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Eddie's POV

I was supposed to be watching for Stan and/or Bill, but I couldn't focus. It's not like they were coming down anytime soon anyways. I just tried to not listen too hard for them.


3rd Person POV

"I fucking swear if you keep saying that clips are the same as barrettes I'm gonna lose my mind!"

Bill huffed and swung open the bathroom cabinet. He fished through his mother's drawer and pulled out two hair pieces.

"They are the s-s-same th-thing! Look!" Bill shoved a red metal clip and a flower printed barrette in Stan's face.

Stan huffed and pushed Bill's hands away.


Eddie's POV

Fuck, I could hear loud noises from the bathroom. I was glad I couldn't concentrate on them at the time, instead focusing my attention back to Richie who was trying to show Mike how to flirt.

I didn't think that Richie was the best out of all of us to give advice, but it was pretty fucking amusing to watch him stick his but out and blink his eyes so fast it looked like something was in them.

"Mike, if you wanna snag one of the boys you gotta be dominate!" Richie was urging and trying to show Mike a stance that he thought was best, "you gotta blatantly check them out, wink, that make some dirty comment that will have them soiling their pants!"

I wrinkled my nose, "Richie!" I chided.

But Richie only glanced at me innocently and said, "hey boo," before turning back to Mike.

Mike didn't seem to be enjoying Richie either, but he humored the glasses clad boy.

"Ooo!" Richie said suddenly, "if there's any skin contact make sure to linger, especially if it's like a handshake or something."

I rolled my eyes but still found it enjoyable to watch the way Richie's eyes lit up when he explained something. Especially if that something was one of his stupid, yet laughable, ideas.

"Hey Eds."

I turned around towards the stairs, Stan was standing on the last step. He was smiling but it looked forced.

Trouble in paradise?

"What's up STAN?" I made sure to speak his name louder so that the other losers realized that Stan was there.

Stan blinked, "nothing much," he shrugged.

Then Bill came bounding down the stairs, face red.

"Hey Eddie! Richie r-ready to judge our d-d-dish yet?" Bill greeted trying to play off his beat face and swollen lips. I smirked subtly.

All of a sudden Mike was pushed forward to Bill.

"Hey Bill," the name rolled of his tongue and made Bill give Mike a curious look. "I'm sure your dish will be...tasty."

I swallowed my laughter and watched as Bill started to squirm.

"Heh, th-th-thannks"

I really had to hide my smile as Mike looked Bill up and down then gave him a wink. Stan was trying to hide his pout in the background.

Mike took a step towards Bill, who glanced nervously to Stan.

"I'll be rooting for you," Mike said within inches of Bill's face before turning on his heel and resuming his seat at the counter. From the looks of it, Mike looked way too uncomfortable. But who wouldn't be after fake flirting with one of their friends in front of the rest of their friends.

I turned my attention back to Richie, he was already looking at me and blushed a bit when I caught his eye. I wished I could say that I didn't think that that was the cutest thing ever, but I blushed as well and it betrayed my thoughts.

'Let the games begin' Richie mouthed to me with an ever present wicked smile.


wow. I started writing this late last night when I was a #mess. I apologize for some odd content I didn't reread this so I'm just hoping I was still a bit sane when writing last night but I guess we will see.

Let's get crack-a-lacking.

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