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3rd Person POV

Bill felt conflicted.

Sitting there, listening to everyone throw their ideas out. It's not like he had a problem with gay people. He really didn't. He just didn't think that Richie or Eddie were gay, there was no way that they could be.

The things that seemed like evidence for the rest of the losers were just things that Bill thought were things all friends did.

"Bill? Can I talk to you?" Stan's voice was a mere whisper and Bill felt weird that Stan just wanted to talk to him alone. But he still nodded and let Stan pull him to the hallway.

"W-What's up S-S-Stan?" Bill asked nervously.

Stan was nervous too, and he kept fidgeting with his hands.

"Did you really mean everything you said back there?"

Bill shrugged, "I j-j-just th-think that...f-f-friends can do s-s-stuff l-like th-that t-too," he reasoned.

"Well sure," Stan agreed, "but couples do stuff like that too, and you have to admit that Richie and Eddie could definitely have feelings for each other."

"B-but R-R-Richie always m-makes those j-j-jokes."

"Yeah but he never actually hits on girls, they're just jokes."

"B-b-but," but Bill couldn't think of anything else. He was just pouting now, so Stan placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, maybe he's bi." Stan gave in, "but that doesn't change the fact that you're going to have to get used to that idea."

Bill sighed, "I-it's n-n-not like I h-h-have a p-problem w-with it."

"Then what's your deal?" Stan was frustrated.

Bill knew his deal, but he wasn't going to tell Stan. He did, however, wrap his arms around Stan and pull him into his chest.

Stan could hear the rapid beating of Bill's heart as he laid his head softly on his chest.

"It's okay to be scared."

All of a sudden Bill pushed Stan off his chest.

"I-I-I'm n-not s-scared!" Even though he obviously was.

"Hey what's going on?" Bev popped up out of no where. Arms crossed, hair pinned with a couple butterfly pins.

Stan was looking at his feet, Bill was flustered.

"N-n-nothing," but Bill was now looking at Bev. He saw an opportunity then.

Bev noticed how Bill was looking at her.

"Bill what's--"

Bill had pressed his lips to her, cutting off whatever Bev was going to say. But it didn't last long, Bev pushed him off her after hardly a second.

"What the hell?!" she exclaimed, "you can't just go around kissing people without their permission!" then she stormed off, leaving Bill frozen for a bit.

When he finally turned around, Stan was gone.

He had run off after seeing someone he thought he trusted betray him.

Bill knew Stan was hurt, and he knew what he had to do. He just didn't want to admit it to himself yet. But he was going to have to, he knew he would. And he had to do it before Stan stopped being his friend. Or other terms could apply.



I wrote that last chapter at three am so sorry for any of my weird writing. I'm still kinda sleep deprived now so this chapter was kinda a blur lol.

I almost just wrote dialogue for myself loll this is great.

hope you enjoyed?

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