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3rd Person POV

Eddie was drumming his fingers on his knee impatiently while he watched Richie play Street Fighter in the arcade. They had decided to meet up to kill time before heading to the Quarry. The arcade was nearly empty, just Richie, Eddie, and two girls who were playing with a claw machine.

"Is it my turn yet?" Eddie whined.

Richie tried not to take his eyes off the game to see Eddie's face all scrunched up. Instead he tried to focus on the game and his opponent. Which didn't work out and Richie was defeated hardly a second later.

He huffed.

"Now it is."

Eddie lit up and booted Richie out of the way.

"You suck at this game!" Eddie teased, "you've hardly memorized each move and combo," he pointed out as the game started. His tongue was sticker out of his mouth as he moved his hand faster in the controllers. "plus you're really slow," he added after easily winning.

Richie was gaping, looking at the smaller boy with admiration. Eddie was grinning and pointed at the new high score he had achieved.

"Good job Eds," Richie held his hand out for a high five.

"Thanks!" Then Eddie frowned, "what do we do now? You can play another round if you want but....we've already been doing this for an hour."

"Ice cream?" Richie suggested. He knew what ice cream meant for him, but he wanted to feel closer to Eddie. Richie enjoyed leading himself on.



Mike was finally allowed to spend time with his friends, as long as he delivered the last of the days wrappings. Which he had done.

He then decided to head to the losers' meeting place early. They decided to meet in the town square, a pretty central location for everyone.

But as he passed the ice cream parlor he noticed a strange sight.

There were two boys sharing one of the whopping ice cream sundaes in a booth by the window. An even weirder observation for Mike, the two boys were Richie and Eddie.

They had two straws and a fucking huge vanilla sundae with chocolate sauce and strawberry bits.

Mike paused, just staring at the two. He didn't want to make assumptions, but it looked like the two were on a date or something. But Mike knew that that wasn't true. Richie and Eddie were part of the loser gang, but not for them being gay. Besides, the losers told each other everything.

And it was obvious that Richie and Eddie both liked girls after watching them gawk at Beverly in a two piece.

So they couldn't be on a date. Mike thought that that was too illogical.

"Weird," he thought out loud earnestly. Then he watched as Richie blew ice cream into Eddie face from his straw. Eddie gaped as Richie smeared the ice cream all over his face then licked his fingers clean.

Mike shrugged and kept walking, "maybe they are gay." Not that he cared. He knew what it was like to be an outsider, hell, all the losers did. But Mike was more compassionate than that and he knew that Richie and Eddie would spill the beans to the losers sooner or later.

"and that's okay," he smiled and skipped to the town square.


Guess who revoked their promise to write a Christmas chapter. I mean this is a chapter posted on Christmas - well actually an hour after Christmas.

Cute little date thingy that's just Richie and Eddie being pals. I forget that even though they play fight all the time, they geek out on all sorts of stuff and agree with each other. I mean, they are best friends.

I watched IT tonight and holy fuck. When Eddie breaks his arm Richie is literally caressing Eddie's face and making sure he is focusing only on Richie. ha GAY

Sorry lol. I didn't write a Christmas chapter cause Richie is jewish and that completely ruined my idea for the chapter

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