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Richie's POV

I liked making Eddie laugh, and I was positive that my plan for pranking the two amigos sucking face in the bathroom would have him pissing himself.

Funnily enough, Stan and Bill were still no where to be seen, and not one of us volunteered to go find them. So now we were just brainstorming and hoping to formulate something before they came back from whatever they were doing.

"I got one!" I announced, immediately capturing the attention of my eager friends. "We bait 'em," I switched into a cockney accent, "send some pretty dame to root their toot and get 'em to spill their beans!"

I felt something tug on my arm and looked to Eddie, the culprit, beside me. "No one understands you when you talk like that dipshit," besides the pet name, his voice was softer than usual when delivering an insult, and I grinned madly at the fact.

Without looking away from Eddie, I said, "we need to send someone to go and flirt with one of them to get them to confess. It will be hilarious to watch how flustered they get."

"Stop smiling at me, it's creepy," Eddie grumbled. I looked away to survey the group, not because I wanted to make Eddie happy. It was my job to annoy him.

The losers looked confused and Mike was the first to speak up, "who's gonna flirt with one of them?"

"That's a complicated question," I said, "we could send Bev after Bill cause, ya know, there's history and it would be super awkward-"

"Yeah for me too," Bev grumbled.

"-or we could send Mike cause we know they both like guys and, let's be honest, Mike is pretty good looking."

Mike chuckled, "that means a lot, Rich."

There was another tug on my arm and I looked to Eddie again.

"Before you pout," I said, "you're mega good looking," I smirked, "and if we sent you after one of them they wouldn't be able to resist."

Eddie flushed but the glare stayed on his face, I didn't expect anything else from him.

"I don't pout." he muttered, "I was just going to say that your idea is stupid and won't work because none of us are good at flirting. We're losers for a reason."


"Whatever eds," I patted his head, messing up his hair and making him glare harder. But the blush was still there coloring his cheeks softly.

I noticed Ben in the background looking at his feet. "Now don't worry Benny, you're a total babe," his head lifted to look at me, "but I know you have your sights set elsewhere." I winked then covered one side of my face and mouth 'Beverly' to him while she couldn't see.

Ben completely turned red, to the confusion of everyone else.

"SO who's it gonna be?" Bev asked, she looked a bit nervous. I wasn't sure if it was because of her history with Bill, or if something else was bothering her. I remembered the face Pennywise transformed into when his attention was on her. A man's face, old enough to be her father, it could have even been so, smiling creepily at her. There was a tone of something...sexual underneath his voice too.

I bit the inside of my cheek, definitely not Bev.

"Mikey boy, you're up." I decided.

Mike didn't look too bothered by the decision and just nodded his head in consent.

"You know what to do?"

Mike chuckled, "I'm pretty sure I can handle it Richie."


I'm not dead lmao.

Get this, spiritual reawakening: I'm a dramatic ass. Legit my last chapter I wrote about Richie and Eddie having boners and I was like 'my innocent little eyes oh noooooo' like fuck that. I'm too shameful lol, but tbh I don't even care anymore.

Also, my little break wasn't very relaxing, a nightmare of mine legit came true I'm not even joking. Yay life. At least I'm able to write again.

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