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Richie's POV

Eddie kept shouting in my face and telling me to take my shirt off, which I was hoping when he would say that it would be under different circumstances.

"Alright," I sighed and put my hands up in surrender, "try not to gawk."

Eddie rolled his eyes.

I took off my button up then slowly lifted my shirt over my head. I wasn't looking at Eddie, but a part of me wanted him to be looking at me. The dirty minded part of me.

"Here Eds," I said meeting his eyes and handing my shirt over to him, "I warmed it up for you," I smirked.

Eddie turned pink and snatched my shirt out of my hands.

"Whatever, thanks dick," he muttered and slipped off his own shirt.

I didn't want to be that weird creepy, horny kid so I looked at my feet and slid my button up back on. When I turned to look back at Eddie he was swimming in my shirt. It's not like I was that much bigger than him, it was just a big shirt overall and hung slightly past his shorts so it looked like he wasn't wearing bottoms. Which I tried not to focus too hard on.

Eddie was still pink faced as he looked at me, "you gonna button that up?" He pointed to my bare chest framed by my green button up.

I noticed the way he kept letting his eyes glance at my chest every now and then, and a part of me wanted that to mean something. So I shrugged and said, "nah," then and stepped an inch closer to him and looked him straight in the eyes, "unless you're uncomfortable..."

Eddie hesitated for only a second before placing his hands on my bare chest - which just felt hot and tingly - and shoving me away from him and walking past me.

"You're full of yourself Tozier," he muttered before sitting back down and watching Stan try charades now.

It had surprised me when he laid his hands on me, his hands were so warm. All I could think of was the feeling of his hands. I sighed to myself before walking back to Eddie.

"I'm bored of this game and you all suck," Bev said suddenly, interrupting Stan from jumping up and down and waving his arms.

"Agreed," Ben said smiling at Bev, "what should we do instead?"

Bev just shrugged.

A silence fell over our group for awhile.

Then Bill spoke, "you kn-know," his voice was shaky, "I can s-s-still see the scars around St-Stan's face...."

Stan visibly gulped but nodded.

"It's like," Bev started, she was staring deeply into the floor, "no matter what, we will always be reminded of what happened....like we will never truly forget."

More silence.

My heart was beating as I remembered Pennywise. The way he knew everything about you, the way he knew how to pick you apart. His voice when he would sing, 'Don't touch the other boys' or even just that creepy smile. Everything came rushing back into my head.

I sighed, "this is too depressing, let's get white girl wasted please."

There were no objections.


Only one more chapter. Idk why it's taking me so long to get these five cranked out.

I have been getting more suggestions for books and they will be fulfilled after this one because I came up with this idea and when I have an idea I have to write it.

Sorry pals. Hopefully this book is good too.

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