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3rd Person POV

Richie and Eddie ran to the living room just in time to see Bill shoving Mike away from him.

Bill had wide eyes and just looked shocked, but Stan looked completely appalled. And Mike...Mike was laughing.

"Thank god you finally cracked," Mike was gleeful even.


Stan drifted over to stand next to Bill and looped an arm around his.

"We were just trying to get you guys to confess," confessed Bev.

"C-confess wh-what?" Bill was scared.

Richie shrugged and said simply, "that you're gay and getting it on with Stan the Man."

Bill's mouth dropped open while Stan just blushed. Bill had just come to terms with his sexuality himself, he wasn't ready for the rest of them to know yet. But when Stan started to trail his arm up and down Bill's arm, he knew he would be okay with all of them knowing.

But Bill was still frustrated and he decided to take it out on someone.

"What a-about Richie and Eddie over th-there?" he pointed a finger accusingly to the asthmatic boy being engulfed by Richie's arms over his shoulders. "Me and Stan heard them b-b-basically fucking in the hallway!"

Richie grinned, "We had our socks on," he said shrugging.

Bev let out a giggle.

"Yeah," Eddie went along with it, "friends with benefits."

"That's b-bull and you know it!" Bill argued.

Richie shrugged again before whipping Eddie around to face him and smashing his lips to Eddie's. Richie decided to make a show of it too, pulling Eddie flush against his chest and holding onto his lower back. Eddie was contributing too, despite how much he thought Richie was being a dumbass, he did enjoy kissing him, so he brought his hands up and tugged at Richie's hair.

When they finally pulled apart Bill was gaping, so was Stan but Bill more so. The rest of the losers tried to hold in their laughs.

"No homo," Richie said simply before kissing the tip of Eddie's nose. He looked back up at Bill, "see, just some friends benefitting off of each others lips."

Bill grumbled, "I know y-you're l-lying Tozier."

"Yeah, I am, but what's it to you?"

Bill was shocked by Richie's honestly, and also very annoyed. A long groan of frustration passed through his lips. "You guys suck," he whined.

"Not as much as Eddie," Richie whispered making Eddie stomp on his foot harshly.

"Now that that has been established," Mike interrupted, "are we ready for the movie?"

"As long as me and Eddiebear can cuddle!" Richie chirped.

"Fuck no, get away from me trashmouth."

The losers started snickering.

"How are they even attracted to each other?" Ben questioned, "all they do is argue."

Bev, who was sitting next to him, let out a short laugh and bumped his shoulder with her own. "I don't know, make up sex?" she shrugged and earned a few laughs all around.

Eddie would have protested to this but he was too busy leaning his head on his boyfriends shoulder and letting him snake an arm around his waist. Eddie was glad his friends knew, glad that he didn't have to hide this part of himself -- one of the happier parts -- from his own friends. People he had nearly died with.

"Richie?" his voice was soft.



"For what?"

Eddie drew in a breath, "thanks for liking me."

Richie felt like melting into the boy snuggled into him, he placed a soft kiss on the top of Eddie's head. "Thanks for liking me back."

"Anytime," Eddie laughed lightly, "anytime..."


Don't ask, today was a whirlwind and this chapter reflects on it.

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