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3rd Person POV

They had all had their share of alcohol over the years. Nothing to the extent where they got shitfaced, like tonight, though.

Richie was dancing around one of the poles that supported Ben's house. The rest of the losers were just watching and laughing, and obviously rolling their eyes.

"Look at me Eds," Richie sang, holding onto the pole with one hand and swinging his whole body around. The dance wasn't really sexy, just Richie stumbling around and running around the pole with one hand on it.

Eddie was giggling uncontrollably and sitting upside down on a chair. "Take off your shirt!" he yelled.

Richie just smiled wider then laid his head back dramatically while swinging his arms back so that his button up fell from his shoulders. Then he lifted his head back up to grin at Eddie.

Eddie started to cheer and then hiccupped.

"I'm gonna barf," Stan whined clutching his stomach.

Bill rolled his eyes and flicked the top of Stan's head, "I-I t-hic-told you to s-stop d-d-hic-drinking."

"Ow," Stan muttered and rubbed his head, "No, Richie's just so ugly it's making me sick," he said and pretended to gag.

All of a sudden Eddie was standing, "Stan! Don't say such mean things!" his finger was waving as he swayed and glared down at the boy sitting with his legs sprawled out on the floor.

Stan shrugged, "it's just Richie."

Richie was still dancing and had long ago learned to just ignore Stan's stupid insults.

But Eddie was drunk and so his jaw dropped and he said, "That is so not fair!" then he turned towards Richie, "and Richie is not ugly!" Then Eddie marched up to Richie and smacked his lips onto Richie's cheek.

He pulled back in a second with a big kissing sound and a defiant look. "I wouldn't just go around kissing people who are ugly!" he said.

But no one was paying attention to Eddie anymore. A drunk's attention span can only last for so long.

Richie had paid attention, and Richie had basically left his body. He couldn't believe that Eddie had just kissed him. So he stood, shell shocked, with one hand braced on the pole and his eyes bulging and cheeks red.

"You-you kissed me," Richie said breathlessly.

Eddie could hardly focus his eyes on Richie but he nodded and rocked forward, falling into Richie and wrapping his arms around his neck. "Your cheeks tasted like pizza," he grinned.

Richie's heart could hardly handle the words slurring out of Eddie's mouth.

Then Eddie furrowed his brow, "would your mouth taste the same?"

"Wh-uh," Richie sputtered.

Then Eddie tried to lounge for his lips but Richie jumped back and Eddie's arms dropped from his neck. Resulting in a drunk Eddie sprawled on the floor.

Richie didn't even apologize, he just turned and ran to upstairs.

Eddie passed out on the floor where he lay.


Okay so these five chapters took forever for me to write so I apologize.

The holidays are fucking busy people. I didn't mean to go ghost mode.

Feedback on how this is going so far? I always let myself write five chapters unsupervised before releasing them and letting you folk say what you please. usually I listen to the comments and write accordingly, I mean I have a plan but the details can be swayed by yall.

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