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3rd Person POV

"And over here we have Mr. Eddie Spaghetti with a 'kiss the cook' apron on," Richie spoke into a spatula like it was a microphone, "don't mind if I do..." he was leaning over Eddie's shoulder and glanced around the kitchen quickly before pecking his boyfriends cheek quickly.

"My apron doesn't even say that," Eddie grumbled to hide the fact that he was starting to feel all tingly.

Richie sighed, "you're right, Stan's wearing that one, I'll just go over and--"

Eddie turned his head quickly and met Richie's lips for half a second before going back to his work. He tried to convince himself that he just wanted to shut Richie up.

Richie was standing shocked, hoping no one had seen but also hoping that everyone had.

Then he snapped out of it, "And over here we have Haystack with whatever the fuck is in that pot!" He moved on.

But Mike hadn't, he had done what his dad had always told him to do, observe. He had only meant to observe his competition for the game, but then he focused on Richie as he got up into Eddie's personal space. He saw the quick cheek kiss and gaped at Eddie's sneak of a kiss.

As much as he was shocked by the hidden romance, he was also bummed because he knew that he was totally screwed for the game. Mike knew he was just going to spend the rest of his time observing whatever was going on between Richie and Eddie. He cursed himself and his idiot friends.

"Hey Mikey."

Mike looked over to see Bev peering at him from her own cooking station hardly a foot away. They were all crammed into Bill's kitchen, it's not like they had that much room.

"Hey." Mike was short with his response, but he didn't mean to be rude. He really just wanted watch for further proof of his Richie and Eddie theory.

But Bev wanted to talk.

"Whatcha making?"

Mike looked to Bev, he could at least see Eddie when doing that.

"Trying to scope out the competition I see," he teased.

Bev laughed, "no actually," she chewed nervously on her lip, "do you think Stan has a crush on me?"

Mike laughed out loud at this, he thought it was way too obvious that Stan was completely in love with Bill. Then he realized that Bev was serious and stopped his laughing.

"What makes you say that?" he questioned sincerely.

Bev shrugged, "he was so invested in if I liked Bill or not so I just thought...."

"You don't think he asked you that because he likes Bill?"

Surprise crossed Beverly's face, "You really think Stan is gay?" she whispered.

"I don't know what his label is," he answered.

"Wow," Bev shook her head, "first Richie and Eddie, and now Stan too?"

"And Bill."

She furrowed her brow, "Bill's not gay, he kissed me when we were eleven."

Mike shrugged.

"I can't believe you think everyone in our friend group is gay," Bev seemed upset, "I think that is way too unlikely, especially because all of our friends don't even seem gay."

Mike almost felt offended by her words, "well if you don't believe me, watch both Bill and Stan, or even Eddie and Richie tonight. You'll see." He was confident, Bev could tell too. She could also sense that Mike seemed angry.

So Bev sighed, "it's not like I wouldn't support them," she said, "it's just that I have known them for years, I just thought I would be able to tell if they were gay or bi or whatever." she swallowed, "it sucks not knowing your friends truly, and it's even worse when they hide important things about themselves from you."

Mike softened at this, he knew Bev wasn't some bitch. She was their friend, she was kind and courageous, and stood up for them all. He also knew that she had been hurt, like all of them had, and she was still scared that one of the losers would come forward and say 'sike! we were never your friend, why would we ever be?'

"If it makes you feel any better, they didn't come out to me either."

Beverly laughed, "Wow, how obvious are they if you can just tell from watching?"

Mike smiled, "just watch them tonight...you'll see."


Sorry this took so long to post, I got stuck like a hundred words in and then finally I solved my problem.

Hope you enjoyed this

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