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Richie's POV

Eddie was so goddamn soft. My arms were still around his waist. I wanted to burry my head into his neck, but I'd probably fall off of his bike. And he would probably not like it.

I hadn't even paid attention to where we were going, I was too busy enjoying the view. My view. Eddie.

Well he wasn't exactly 'mine.' That is too possessive and we hadn't established anything anyways.

I liked him, he liked me. I wanted more than that, but I didn't know if Eddie did. Finally Eddie stopped peddling.

We were stopped outside of the ice cream parlor, ice cream again. Not that I was complaining.

"Ice cream sounds good," he said simply, shrugged, then dismounted off his bike.

He seemed so confident, so sure of himself. Was I the only one who felt so fucking nervous? So fucking entrapped with everything that he did.

I just nodded and followed him into the parlor. Ice cream was my gay escape anyway, maybe it would help me calm my nerves.

I watched as Eddie ordered.

"Hi! Can I just get a large chocolate milkshake with uh-two straws?" He was speaking rapidly, something he always did. Something that also affected me greatly.

"Please," Eddie added. I nearly melted. "Come on Richie, let's sit over here," Eddie pulled me over to a booth.

I sat down.

"You haven't said a word since we left my house," Eddie said, "what the fuck is wrong dude?"

I was staring at him, trying to come up with the words to say to him. Everything that was running through my brain seemed too straight forward, too scary.

I wanted to tell him that I wasn't talking cause I was too busy staring at the way the sun made his freckles glow like thousands of stars. Or how I was distracted by his constant tapping and bouncing of his knee. Or maybe I could of told him that every time he opened his mouth to spit out the fasted phrases ever, I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

But all of that sounded so fucking creepy, I didn't want to scare him.

"Richie!" Eddie sounded impatient now.

I pushed my glasses up on my face and opened my mouth, but no words came out.

This kid had really made me fucking speechless.

Eddie was pouting now, frustrated that I wasn't speaking. So I leaned forward across the table and pinched Eddie's cheek.

"Cutie," I said simply before sitting back down in my own seat across from him.

He was beat red, and I didn't know if I had embarrassed him or made him mad.

"You're unbelievable," he muttered and looked down at his lap.

The waitress came and served our milkshake.

"Anything else you need boys?" she asked.

I glanced to Eddie, he was still staring at his lap.

"No thank you," I smiled.

After she left I turned my attention back to Eddie. He was staring at me now, but he still was red and I knew it was from embarrassment. I had made him uncomfortable. Which made me think that maybe we shouldn't have confessed our feelings. Our friendship was so great before...but it wasn't enough.

"Do you think..." Eddie spoke up suddenly, "...this is too awkward isn't it? I mean..." he never finished.

It was awkward, but I liked him. I didn't want to lose him. And I think it was only this awkward because we were both guys, there wasn't like we knew what we were doing. This was something secret and different.

I had to break the ice, and that's something I was fucking good at.

"Wanna see who can drink the fastest?" I questioned, ignoring what he had previously said, and placing the two straws in the milkshake before putting it between us.

Eddie grinned, he was a competitive little shit. "You're on."

I counted down from three and then we were off. Both slurping down the milkshake in a very unhealthy way. Brain freezes couldn't even get in our way.

At one point I glanced up at Eddie, his face was scrunched up and focused towards the shake. The face of someone who wanted to win. I was distracted by this and he won.

"Yes!" he shouted triumphantly, "you suck!"

I was grinning at him, despite the loss, I got to see how blissfully happy he looked. Chocolate was dripping from his lips and splashed on his hands. He noticed this and frowned, he hated mess.

"Let's go wash up," he said and left the table.

I followed him to the bathroom, which was just a single stall and unoccupied.

"Jeez Richie, you're a mess," he commented. I looked in the mirror, I was. Chocolate had somehow made it too my forehead.

"At least it tastes good," I shrugged and licked some off my lips.

"Ew." Eddie washed his hands in the sink and while he did so I leaned forward and licked some chocolate off of his own cheek.

Eddie gaped, "Ewwww! Richie!" he whined, "That's fucking disgusting!"

I laughed and then cupped his face, the chocolate on my hands getting on his skin, then kissed the chocolate right off of him.

I pulled back, licking my lips and dropping my hands from his face. "God I love chocolate."

Eddie stood motionless, just staring at me with wide eyes.

"Something the matter?" I smirked.

"NO," Eddie cleared his throat and then continued to wash the chocolate off of him.

I washed up too, and pretended that nothing had even happened.



Sorry I didn't post last night. Fucking school taking up my stupid time.

The next chapter will stray away from Reddie cute stuff and back to the friends if you boyos are getting sick of this lol

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