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3rd Person POV

Mike was leaned back in the cushioned library chair, watching the group of losers in front of him.

There was definitely something going on between Stan and Bill. Bill would sneak glances at Stan as he read some kind of bird book while after every page he would look at Bill.

Then there was Ben, staring at a book and not even reading it. And Mike knew that Ben's mind was wandering to Bev and her enchanting spirit.

Those were the only losers at the library, the rest were off somewhere else. Occupied for the afternoon in some way or another.

Mike sighed and Ben looked up. It was a loud sigh, but the other two were distracted.

"Something the matter Mikey?"

Mike shrugged, "I don't know."

"I think you do," Ben pestered.

So Mike sighed again, he had wanted to talk to someone, and Ben was a good person to talk to. He listened, and he didn't do one of those weird voices that Richie always adapted when he was uncomfortable. Or just being a dumbass.

"I just feel lonely, you know? Like I'm surrounded by couples," he grumbled.

Ben was confused by this and looked around, "not one of our friends are dating anyone though?" then he got quiet, "except maybe Bev and.." his eyes darted over to Bill.

The kid's clueless, Mike thought.

And he just shook his head sadly.

"Look," Ben interrupted his depressed fest, "life isn't all about dating."

Mike felt confused now.

"I mean if you're lonely, well, friends are better to surround yourself with. You don't need to be in a relationship to be happy," Ben grumbled, "that's bullshit."

Shit, Mike thought, he's right.

And Ben sat back in his chair content that he had given good enough advice to his friend in need. But he still wasn't focusing on his book. There was too much about yesterday's afternoon with Bev to overanalyze.

Bill and Stan were still occupied with each other, and Mike was now leaning more contently in his chair.


not a lot of words...

filler chapter that still develops the story I think.

Don't know if I should stop writing or not for the time

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