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Eddie's POV

I thought I was sleeping, I wanted to be sleeping. I really fucking did. But Richie was over at my house, and I think that said it all.


I huffed.

"Eddieeeee." Richie was louder this time.

"Shut the fuck up dickwad, I'm trying to sleep," I grumbled. I was laying on my side in my bed, Richie was next to me staring up at the ceiling. He had initially come over to rant about his stupid conspiracy theories to do with our friend group. Something about Stan and...Bill? I don't know, I wasn't really listening.

There was only a second or two of silence before Richie started humming some fucking song under his breath.

I turned over to my other side so that I was facing him. I didn't say anything, just glared.

Richie turned his head to look at me then smiled.

"Cutie," he said pinching my cheek again, like he always did.

I smacked his hand away, "you know I hate that."

"That stop being such a cutie," he winked.

My face turned red, "it makes me feel like I'm five."

"Cause sixteen year old's can't be cuties?" he questioned, "are you saying I'm not cute."

My breath hitched, but I couldn't admit that to him.

"No, you're just fucking annoying," I said instead. Which I wish I hadn't, for he turned his head back to look at the ceiling. No comment, no dumbass voice, no teasing.


"Right," he said quietly.

I felt pained. Richie was sad. I had made Richie sad. Fuck. I was a monster. I didn't want Richie to be sad. Richie was supposed to be laughing. always.

So I scooted closer to him and wrapped an arm around his torso and brought my head to his shoulder.

"I'm kidding Richie," I whispered, "you are cute."


"Yes," I assured, "so fucking cute."

Then Richie sat up quickly and looked back at me, his stupid shit-eating grin present.

"Haha you think I'm cute!" he sang in a taunting voice.

My face was redder than ever.

"You think I'm cute too asshat," I muttered sitting up as well.

"Yeah but you think I'm cute," Richie grinned, then he lowered his voice, "that's kinda gay Eds."

I was glaring at him but leaned forward and kissed his lips until he started to respond. But as soon as he placed his hand on my cheek I pulled back.

"That's kinda gay," I mocked in a high pitched voice. Then I fell back on my bed and turned on my side again. "Now let me sleep dickhead."


3rd Person POV

Stan was staying the night at Bill's. He thought it was appropriate since Bill kept clinging to him. Now they had moved so that they were both laying on their backs and staring up at Bill's sloped ceiling. Their hands were clasped nicely.

There was only silence, Stan was deep in his own thoughts and Bill's mind was occupied by the boy laying next to him.

It was back to how they were before, when Bill wasn't scared shitless. But Bill wanted there to be more than before, more than just hand holding and cheek kissing. He wanted to know what it felt like to place his lips on Stanley Uris's.

"S-Stan?" Bill said suddenly.


"H-have you ever k-k-k-kissed a b-b-b-boy?" his stuttering was bad.

Stan was silent for a bit.



Bill bit his lip, unsure if he should go for it or not.

"Do you m-maybe w-w-w-wanna?"

Stan rolled over so he was facing Bill and Bill did the same. There was only a short nod before Bill started to lean in. It was awkward in their position, but they were too nervous to move.

Their lips finally connected and the kiss had hardly lasted for a second before they broke apart.

Bill was touching his lips faintly, "That w-was.."

Stan gulped, he wanted to kiss Bill again so badly.

"...nice," Bill smiled. Then he leaned in and kissed Stan again, more confidently this time. It was still a short kiss, but the two broke apart grinning.

"Goodnight Bill," Stan said.

"Goodnight Stan."


Just some fluff before some real shit gets in.

Fuck it, you know.

I'm really trying for you guys

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