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Eddie's POV

Richie was so soft. I'd imagined him to be pointed and angular and overall uncomfortable to hug since he was such a skinny guy. Imagined was the wrong word, that sounds creepy. Richie's never on my thoughts like that.

The thought made my stomach get all knotted and queasy.

I pulled away from Richie, but he was still standing between my legs. Images of the previous night racked through my head. His cheeks had been soft too.

"Do you..." I decided to be bold, I did mean to live my life more, "do you remember last night?"

Richie's brows furrowed as he stared at me. Then he smiled and laughed.

Fuck. He must of remembered, my heart dropped.

"Eddie," he chuckled, "you know I was shit faced."

He didn't remember, why did that make me feel disappointed. I started chewing on my lip, trying to decipher my feelings.

"Did something happen?" Richie asked suddenly.

I couldn't tell him, he'd laugh at me. Why did I think it was such a big deal? So what. I kissed my best friends cheek when I was drunk. So why couldn't I just forget about it and move on.

Maybe my body was just worried about catching some sort of disease from Richie.


Richie grabbed my hands, stopping their fidgeting. I looked up at him, my best friend, and tried to smile.

"It was nothing," my voice was strained and I shrugged.

Richie dropped my hands and nodded, but he wasn't convinced.


3rd Person POV

"Jesus, they've been gone for way too long," Mike said groaning. The losers had been waiting for Eddie and Richie to come back to start playing their board game. But it had been almost twenty minutes since they left.

"Y-yeah," Bill agreed, "and I s-still have t-to piss!"

"For fucks sake, I'm going to get them," Bev muttered and stood abruptly.

"One of you better not be naked!" Bev called as she neared the bathroom. The door was open so she just walked in.

"Why would we be naked?" Richie asked, Eddie had blushed slightly.

Bev looked confused at the sight of Eddie sitting on the counter with Richie between his legs.

"Why are you...standing like that?"

Richie cleared his throat and backed away from Eddie, "I pierced his ears, it was easier like this," he explained.

"Why didn't you just use the step stool?" Bev pointed to a wooden step next to the sink.


"Whatever," Bev shrugged off, "we are going to play monopoly and if you two aren't in the kitchen in the next five minutes, we are starting without you." Then she nodded curtly and walked away.

Eddie let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"You ready to hop down?" Richie asked, smiling goofily.

Eddie rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the counter. He was back to being really close to Richie, their chests were almost touching.

"Oh um, sorry," Eddie said quietly. His eyes were fearful as he stared up at Richie.

Richie's mouth turned upwards lightly, "You're all good Eds," he said softly. Richie wasn't entirely conscious of his hand lifting up and brushing a few strands out of Eddie's face.

'Fuck no, I can't handle this, he's making me feel like mush' Eddie thought as his eyes darted to where he had kissed Richie. Eddie turned and practically ran from Richie.

Richie stood, his heart beating so hard he could feel his whole body move with each pulse. 'I really need to work on my self control' he thought.

As Eddie sat down at the table next to Ben he thought to himself,

'Maybe Richie did give me some disease, and that's why I feel so anxious and mushy.'



I feel like this was rough lol

Just a quick update

It's fucking cold out. -18 degrees, that's bullshit.

Idk if I will be able to update again tonight.

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