Chapter 1

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Avu's POV

Today is our first day at this new college and I'm kind of nervous but i don't know why I have a good feeling about this. anyways I went to go check if reem was up as i was the more responsible one. Oh god she's still asleep what am I going to do with her. 

Avu : reemmm wake uppp we're going to be late for the first day of school

Reem: avi give me 5 more minutes

Avu: No jaan your 5 minutes always end up being 30 minutes

Reem: please yaar avi you know I slept late last night

Avu: Well I didn't tell you to stay up watching that movie (saying this she snatches the blanket from reem forcing her to wake up) now go get ready 

Reem gets ready and we leave for college

Sidd's POV

I was waiting for J at our usual hangout spot and as usual he was late like this boy can never be on time. He finally came

Sidd: J where were you, I've been waiting here for 15 mins now. And this is the 3rd time you were late this week and ITS ONLY BEEN 3 DAYS INTO THE WEEK. you're always late and never on time and i'm always here waiting for you do you even know how annoying it is?

Jai: Chill man i'm here now 

Sidd: Bro, your always late, like what do you even do in the morning

Jai: Sleep! like a normal person

Sidd: No normal person sleeps until 9 am especially on a college day

Avus POV

I was so focused on my conversation with jaan that I didn't notice two boys coming from the other side and i bumped into one of them. The impact was so hard that I was about to fall so i closed my eyes waiting to hit the ground but after a few seconds I realized that I didn't fall and that there was a hand on my waist so I slowly opened my eyes. and I saw a pair of beautiful hazel eyes staring back at me. I then took in his whole face from his sharp jawline to his plump lips and finally those beautiful hazel eyes. He was easily the hottest guy I have ever seen. I could get lost in those eyes any day. we were both lost in each other just staring until we heard coughs and a camera shutter go off. We both broke the eye contact but I realized I was still in his arms

Sidd's POV

I was so engrossed in my argument with j that I didn't realize two girls were coming from the other side of the hallway and I ended up bumping into one of them. The girl I bumped into was about to fall so I caught her by the waist and her eyes were closed. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. After a few seconds she opened her eyes and oh god those eyes. They were so beautiful I could get lost in them any day. We were just lost in each other until we heard some coughs and a camera shutter go off. We both broke eye contact. 

Avus POV

I realized I was still in his arms so I told him to let me go

Avu: Leave me ( he dropped me on the floor and he started laughing)

Avu: how dare you drop me on the floor

Sidd: your the one who told me to leave I did

Avu: ughh your such a...such a...

Sidd: such a what?

Avu: such a BANDAR (I said smirking)

Sidd: wthhhh...well your a NAKCHADI (he said smirking)

Ughh I want to just slap that smirk off of his face. I couldn't take it anymore so I just left without saying anything

*skip to classes*

Sidd's POV

I was sitting in class not really listening to the teacher. I was thinking about that nakchadi, not gonna lie she is very pretty but she has a attitude and it annoys me. I was just lost in my thoughts when an announcement went off

*Siddharth Nigam, Avneet Kaur, Jaijeet Singh, Reem Sameer , Jannat Zubair, Faisal Khan, Abhishek Nigam and Vaishnavi Rao go to the principal's office now*

I wonder why they called us while we have classes. And who is this avneet and reem. Anyways why should I care. 

Avu's POV
I was in class and I was taking notes when there was an announcement. 

*refer to the announcement above*

I wonder why they called me and reem. I mean we are new so what would they possibly call us for.  But I still have to go. 

*at the principals office*

Principal: I'm sure you guys are wondering why I called you here today

Abhi: yes sir, we were wondering why you called all of us here today

Principal: So, as you all know, the  inter college competition is coming up soon and this year our school is going to be hosting it. So I have decided that I would let a group of students organize it this year. 

Vaishu: But sir what does that have anything to do with us?

Principal: Well, I talked to the teachers and they recommended your names to me. So, I want you 8 to organize this year's  inter college competition. However it might be a little difficult to balance this and your studies so its up to you too choose. 

After thinking for a while everyone agreed to it.

Principal: Okay so since it's almost the end of the day, you guys can use the auditorium to talk, plan and get to know each other better. Since you guys will be spending a lot of time together. 

Everyone: okay sir


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