Chapter 49

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*guys let me know how the edit is*

Avu's POV

we reached the college and met up with the gang

Avu: girls look we are all matching

(A/N yes i know avu's dress is not white but let's just pretend it is...thanks)

Jannat: you know what they say "great minds think alike" (all of us laughed)

Reem: we need to take pictures

we still had time to the assembly so we took loads of pictures i took a bunch with reem, many with di, plenty with jannat, some with bhai, numerous with fais and jai, and alot with bandar. In the end we took lots of group pictures with funny faces and some decent ones. After that we went to the auditorium and took our seats. The order was bandar, me, di, bhai, reem, jai, jann, fais. Soon the performances started and i was having fun but bandar on the other side

Sidd: this is boring (he said putting his head on my shoulder)

Avu: it's really not

Sidd: trust me it is

Avu: well i'm enjoying (i said turning back to the performance)

Sidd: waittt i have another question

Avu: what now (i said rolling my eyes and turning to him)

Sidd: how did you drive the bike....this dress is huge

Avu: so while i was leaving my house i saw this sweet aunty and she said needed a ride and her house was close to yours so i gave her a ride and so while she was sitting in the back she like held my dress so i could drive

Sidd: ohhh that makes sense

Avu: yeah now let me watch (i said turning towards the stage once again)

after the performances were done we made our way to the parking lot

Jannat: guys let's go to my house and chill for a while

everyone agreed but

Sidd: actually me and nakchadi have some work to do so you guys continue we will meet you there bye (before anyone could say anything he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bike)

Avu: i don't remember having any work (i said as i crossed my arms above my chest and stood in front of the bike)

Sidd: well now you let's go (he said sitting on the bike)

Avu: i am not getting on until you tell me where we are going

Sidd's POV

ugh why does she have to be so stubborn

Sidd: fine don't come i will leave you here and you will be stuck here (if she is stubborn i am double stubborn)

she rolled her eyes and got on the bike and i started driving

Avu's POV

he was taking me somewhere but i had no clue where we were going and even the route was very unknown. And suddenly he stopped and in front i could see nothing except a beach

Avu: where are we?

Sidd: why do you always have so many questions?

Avu: my choice

he pulled me to the beach and we started walking along the side and he still hadn't let go of my hand and to be honest i didn't mind. I was getting more curious by the second as to where we are going. After a minute or two he suddenly stopped and i looked at where he was looking and there was the cutest thing ever. He had written "i'm sorry" in the sand and it was surrounded by candles.

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