Chapter 33

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Faisal's POV

i woke up to water being thrown on my face and aunty yelling at all of us

Vibha: oye kumbhkaran ki aulado utho

i opened my eyes and saw jai's foot in my face....i pushed it off and he fell off the sofa. and i went back to sleep, i had just closed my eyes when i felt something hit me in the face i sat up and another pillow hit me in the face. I saw jai on the floor with a bunch of pillows around him. I grabbed one of the pillows that jai threw at me and threw it back to him but it accidentally hit abhi bhai.

Abhi: kya hai yaar sone do (he said up like a grumpy child)

Faisal: sorry

Jannat's POV

I woke up before anyone and after i freshened up i went to go greet aunty. I found her in the kitchen....she was making breakfast

Jannat: good morning aunty

Vibha: good morning beta

Jannat: what are you making? (i said as i sat on the counter)

Vibha: i am making rajma chawal

Jannat: rajma chawal for breakfast...isn't that a bit odd?

Vibha: jannat beta have you seen the time yet? (she said in a extra sweet voice that made me laugh)

i checked the clock on the oven and it was 1 pm in the afternoon

Jannat: SHIT (i almost fell off the counter)

Vibha: easy don't want to fall and break something

Jannat: but aunty we had college today

Vibha: are you sure?

i turned on my phone and checked what day it was saturday

Jannat: oh thank god....we can't afford to miss anymore time because the competition is in like a week (i said stressing out)

Vibha: don't stress about guys are all working together i know you can all handle it

Jannat: hopefully we will

Vibha: you go wake up your lazy friends

i had a great idea on what to do

Jannat: aunty i have an idea

i told her my plan

Vibha: let's do it

we filled up glasses of water and went to the living room and i was about to dump them on my very lazy friends but then i saw them sleeping in very weird posititions.

Jannat: aunty ek minute ruko

i put the glasses down on a table and pulled out my phone. Faisal and jai were sleeping on one of the sofa's and jai's leg was on faisal's face while faisal's leg was on jai's stomach. On the other hand abhi bhai was sleeping half on the sofa half on the floor, reem was sleeping in a corner of the room, vaishu di was sleeping curled up in a ball on the single sofa. Sidd and Avu were the only people who were sleeping somewhat properly. Avu was sleeping on top of sidd and he was sleeping on the sofa, his arms were wrapped around her waist and her face was buried in his chest.

Jannat: aww

Vibha: what?

i pointed towards sidd and avu on the sofa

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