Chapter 9

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Jannat's POV

I woke up because of the sunlight coming in through the curtains.The thought of last night came into my head mine and faisu's hug...that thought made me blush a little but then I thought about his girlfriend and it hurt but then I thought about my friends our pillow fight our truth and dare game and how lucky I am to have such nice and supportive friends. Unknowingly hi sahi they made my mood ten times better and I never want to lose them. I got up and realized that I ended up sleeping on the floor. But when I looked around I saw the cutest thing ever. Vaishu di was sleeping on top of abhi bhai who was sleeping on the couch and her head was buried in his chest...aww they look so cute. I looked over to jai and reem and they were on the floor and they were sleeping beside each other however they had a little bit of space between them. But they were holding hands and they looked so adorable. And finally I saw something that shocked me Avu's head was sidd's chest and his arm was wrapped around her. This was not what I expected to see in the morning, however they look so cute they would make such a nice couple if they just fighting. Anyways I took pictures of all of them and I first went to the washroom to brush and then went to the  kitchen to eat something. It was 7am right now and college starts at 10 so I thought I will wake them up in an hour or two. 

Abhi's POV

I woke up and felt something heavy on me and I opened my eyes to see vishu sleeping on me...she looks so cute while sleeping. I tugged a strand of hair that was coming in her face and put it behind her ear. I laid there for god knows how long just admiring her but then I realized I should get up. So i gently got up, picked up vishu and laid her down on the sofa. What I saw next was so cute I saw jai and reem sleeping while holding hands and the next thing shocked me to my core I saw avu and sidd cuddling...not going to lie they looked very cutee however it was very shocking as they fight like cats and dogs and here they are cuddling. But anyways I went to the washroom to brush then went to the kitchen and I saw jannat drinking coffee so I sat beside her and we were just talking normally.

Avu's POV

I woke up and felt that my head was on a hard comfortable surface and I felt very warm and comfortable. It was like the comfort you never want to get away from I looked up and saw that bandar's face and he looks so cute while he's asleep. I was admiring him when I realized that we were way too close and that's when I realized that I was sleeping on his chest and I immediatly got up. I don't know how that happened we weren't sleeping beside each other last night or were we? I geniunly don't remember anyways who cares. I got up to go brush when I saw jai and reem and they were holding hands in sleep and they looked so adorable, i took a picture of them and went to go brush.  I brushed and went to the kitchen to drink coffee and saw that abhi bhai and jannat were already awake. 

Abhi: how was your sleep avu? (he said smirking)

Avu: it was amazing why?

I didn't realize what they were hinting at

Jannat: of course it was amazing, you were sleeping with YOUR bandar (she said while smirking)

oh god these people. I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks....wait why am I blushing I dont like him

Abhi: aww look at how avu is blushing at the mention of him

Avu: shut upppp, i'm hungry

No one's POV

one by one everyone woke up they had breakfast and then they got ready and left for college

Abhi: okay guys just so you know for the next  month you will rarely be able to go to your classes, so make sure you get the notes from someone in your class and don't fall behind. And if you feel like you're falling behind you're free to go to class that's the reason we are working in pairs so that the work get's done faster. 

Sidd's POV

We all went to the auditorium and did our work..the day went by pretty fast. Me and nakchadi decided to hold the tryouts for relay day after tomorrow as it's a holiday.  At the moment we (me and nakchadi) are going to the principal's office to ask for permission to hold the tryouts on the ground day after tomorrow. As we were walking nakchadi tripped on something and was about to fall so I went and held her to prevent her from falling.

Avu's POV

While going to the principal's office I tripped on something and I was about to fall so I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the floor but for some reason i didn't make contact with the floor and then I realized someone saved me from falling and I opened my eyes to find the one and only bandar ka baccha and he was lost in his dreamland. When I noticed that I was in his arms and he once again saved me from falling and somehow my mind drifted off to our first meet and that made me blush, how he was holding me in his arms just like he is right now and how he looks so cute right now but I immediately shook off those thoughts.   He was lost somewhere so I decided to bring him back to earth.

Avu: earth to bandar....hellooooo

and I snapped my fingers in front of him and he came out of his dreamland and let me go

Avu: where were you lost?

Sidd: why do you care?

Avu: nothing.....just asking

Sidd's POV

After that "moment" with nakchadi we reached the principal's office and went in

Principal: so tell me kids what brings you here today?

Avu: actually sir, we wanted your permission to use the ground day after tomorrow to hold the relay tryouts

Sidd: and we also your permission to do a announcement tomorrow to let everyone know about the tryouts 

Principal: of course you can use the ground however I am putting a huge responsibility on your shoulders as no other adult will be present there so you guys will have to manage everything and I will ask the custodian to come early to open the ground and then he will give you guys the keys and leave. And yes you can make the announcement but just make sure it is appropriate for school. 

Sidd: of course sir, thank you for trusting us with such a huge responsibility

Principal: also make sure you guys arrive by 7 am sharp

Avu/Sidd: okay sir

and then we left, we went back to the group and turns out that they were all hungry so we decided to go have some light food

Reem's POV

We all decided to go get dinner so we went to the cafe near us. I love that cafe it has such a homely vibe. 

Abhi: okay guys tell me your order....I will go place the order

Jai: I want just a coffee

Avu: jai, are you okay

Jai: yea why?

Avu: i mean tu itna bhukkad hai....kitna khata hai aur aaj sirf coffe tu thik toh hai na (she said while laughing)

Jai: kya yaar avu, tu kitni kharaab hai yaar (he said pouting)

he looks very cute when he's pouting and we all started laughing

Abhi: par, avu ki baat sachi hai  (he said while laughing)

after that everyone told abhi their orders and he went to go place the orders


hey guys, hope you liked the chapter don't forget to vote and comment

also sorry it wasn't a very interesting chapter but don't worry the next one will be better...and thank you guys so much for 1.5k reads...thank you for showing so much love to my book

today's quote: " She broke a million hearts to save one...her dad's 

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