Chapter 13

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Avu's POV

After second period it was lunch and all of us went to the canteen to have lunch and it was fun i mean me and bandar got into a argument as wasn't anything big tho so it was okay. After that the day went by really fast it was a lot of fun attending classes after almost a whole week. The day went by very quickly and before I knew was already over right now me and jaan are watching harry potter in her room and we are completely buried in blankets when my phone starts ringing it's bandar i wonder what he wants

Avu: jaan i have to take this call..I'll be back

Reem: okay but be back fast

Avu: i will

*on call*

Avu: bandar what to do you want?

Sidd: wow nakchadi no hi no hello where did your manners go?

Avu: shut up and come straight to the point

Sidd: how do you know I want something...Can't I just call my FRIEND to talk

he said stressing on the word friend

Avu: bandar don't test my patience right now ( i said kinda yelling)

Sidd's POV

I called nakchadi because I wanted to remind her about tomorrow and I wanted to ask her something...but I think I pissed her off....shit

Avu: bandar don't test my patience right now (she said kinda yelling)

I'm so gone 

Sidd: nakchadi chill i just called you to remind you about tomorrow, I'll pick you up at 6:30 so be ready and don't be late. Also are you trying out for the relay? 

Avu: first I will be ready but make sure YOU'RE not late and no I'm gonna try out for the 800m race, volleyball and basketball

Sidd: okay cool so for the relay there's going to be two teams junior and senior...junior is the first years and second years and the seniors is the third years and fourth years and we are only supposed to pick the junior teams because there's a whole different competition and ceremony and everything for the seniors that we aren't supposed to organize and it's next month but anyways in short we are supposed to make the junior team and it's a team of 6 people 3 girls and 3 guys.

(btw the sports events are: - relay race, 800m race, volleyball, basketball, swimming and cycling)

Avu: okay that makes sense also are you trying out for relay? 

Sidd: Nope I'm trying out for 800m, basketball and swimming

Avu: wait, i have a question

Sidd: yeah? 

Avu: are the teams girls and boys mixed or are they different for girls and boys?

Sidd: I think all the teams are mixed 

Avu: wait so then if we are picking the teams and we are both trying out for the basket ball team how are we gonna judge

Sidd: basically you can pick the guys and I can pick the girls 

Avu: ohhh okay (after she said that she started yawning)

Sidd: nakchadi I think you should sleep now

Avu: yeah bandar good night see you tomorrow

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