Chapter 12

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Abhi's POV (this is how abhi's morning went)

I woke up at 8 am today it was late for me as I usually wake up around 6:00-7:30.  Because I like to go to the gym before college but since I was up late last night I woke up late today. Guess no gym today, anyways I got ready and went downstairs as I got downstairs I saw sidd standing there drinking water, he was all sweaty I guess he came back from jogging

Abhi: good morning chote ( i said smiling)

Sidd: good morning seem happy

Abhi: what do you mean

Sidd: well you seem very cheerful

Abhi: yeah, I have a good feeling about today that's why

Sidd: ohhh me too

Abhi: by the way where is maa

Sidd: she left a note saying she went to one of her friend's house to meet them

Abhi: this early in the morning? (i questioned and he just shrugged)

that's weird maa never goes out this early in the morning

Sidd: anyways I am going to go get ready...the breakfast is on the table you can start eating

Abhi: nah you go get ready and we'll eat together

we always eat breakfast together and he always waits for me when I am late so I should also wait for him. After about 10-15 minutes sidd came downstairs ,we had breakfast and I left to go pick up vishu while he went to go pick up avu. I am so happy that avu and sidd are friends now this way they will get closer and our competition won't be at stake...while thinking about all this I reached vishu's house so I called her to come outside

*on call*

Abhi: vishu I'm here

Vaishu: gimme a second i'm just putting on my shoes

Abhi: okay

*call ended*

After 2 minutes vishu came outside and she looked really pretty she was wearing a red t-shirt with white pants.  She came and sat on the bike and we left for college

Vaishu: abhay did you realize we are matching 

Abhi: oh yeah you're right we are matching

Vaishu: what a coincidence

Vaishu: yup

after we reached the college and met everyone at our spot and I noticed that everyone was matching and I was about to point it out but before I could the bell rang so I thought I would just tell them during second period since we all have that class together. Me and vishu went to our physics class and we sat down on our assigned seats and the teacher wasn't here there was a supply teacher and he just gave us some worksheet's to work on

Vaishu's POV

I was so happy that the teacher wasn't here because I was in no mood to do any work and we only had like one worksheet to do. 

Vaishu: abhayyy can we work on it together

Abhi: yeah sure 

so then we started working and it wasn't that hard we were done in 20 minutes and we still had an hour of class. And I was sitting with my elbow on the desk and my hand on my cheek and i was thinking about....basically everything when I felt someone push my hand which resulted in me basically face planting on the desk but thank god i save myself and I looked over to see abhi dying in laughter

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