Chapter 21

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we have reached our target so as promised here is the next chapter❤️

Abhi's POV

I was worried about sidd and avu because I think something was wrong between them....they were acting weird i think everyone noticed that but no one wanted to say anything and now they just left....well more like avu dragged sidd but still it's been a while since they left and i know that their adults and they can handle themselves but still their fights can sometime get out of hand....I decided to call sidd and ask them where they were

*on call*

Abhi: sidd where are you guys?...I'm very worried

Sidd: bhai we are in the hallway we are just walking towards the auditorium....and no need to worry everything is good

Abhi: okay good and come quick bye

Sidd: bye

*call ends*

Sidd's POV

After dada called us we went back to the auditorium and by that time jai and reem were back too. When we got there we started to discuss what song we should do our group performance on we decided on two songs tamma tamma again and ghungroo. Just then the bell rang and me and nakchadi started walking towards our class. Jai and reem had work to do for the competition so they couldn't come and same for abhi bhai and vaishu di. And jannat and faisal went to their class. We had nothing to work on because the volleyball tryouts were after college so we had nothing to do right now so we decided to go to our classes.  We had english and we were walking towards our class

Sidd: ughh I hate english...that teacher is a number one khadoos

Avu: she's not even that're just saying that because she hates you

Sidd: exactly she hates me but she has no reason to hate me...I do all my work and get good marks what possible reason does she have to hate me

Avu: maybe the fact that you always talk in class and call her number one khadoos

Sidd: whatever i still hate her

by this time we had reached the class so went to the back and took a seat on the last bench and she started teaching  but today her lesson wasn't long as she was losing her voice so she couldn't talk much and after that we still had an hour of class left and she gave us practice work to do. 

Avu's POV

As i mentioned before I hate english and I didn't want to do my work and i was just scrolling through Instagram when I felt someone take my phone and I looked up and it was bandar and then he quickly switched our sheets and erased the names and I was so confused as to why he was doing this until I saw the teacher coming towards us and before I could say something to bandar she came to our bench and started talking

Teacher: guys let me see your sheets

and before I could give her the blank one and say that's mine bandar grabbed it and said that that's his

Teacher: siddharth you're not done irresponsible of you

Sidd: I'm sorry teacher but I was working on some stuff from the competition but I will finish it later...I promise

Teacher: okay but only because I know you always finish your avneet where is your sheet

i had no other option now rather then giving her the filled sheet so i gave her that

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