Chapter 59

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Avu's POV

today was our last day in manali and i was sad because this trip was ending....i had so much fun on this trip it was one of the best times of my life. today we were going trekking and i was so excited because i love adventures. After getting ready we left for hampta pass trek it was only 30 minutes away so it wasn't that far. We had so much fun while trekking it was hard but fun and the place was beautiful..we were back by night because we had gone early in the morning  it was really tiring so we decided to relax for a while in our rooms then have dinner and then leave

Avu: di what time are we leaving  (i said taking my shoes off)

Vaishu: i think we are going to leave around 10

Avu: so in 3 hours (i said looking at the clock and she nodded)

i sat on the bed and me and di were talking when jaan and jannat barged into our room

Reem: we were getting bored so we came here (she said sitting on my bed)

Jannat: i'm hungry too (she said sitting on di's bed)

Avu: there's chips there (i said pointing to a table)

she took the chips and sat down and we were talking and talking until jannat's phone started ringing and it was fais and they were calling us for dinner so we went to fais and jai's room and it was a whole mess

Avu: what is this

Faisal: what

Jannat: your room is such a mess

Jai: it's really not that bad

Reem: your dirty clothes are all over the floor and the room, there's food wrappers everywhere and your beds aren't even made

Faisal: okay okay whatever (he said rolling his eyes)

they cleaned the room...a bit and then bhai and sidd came with pizza's 

Avu: YAY PIZZA (i said running over to the pizza box)

Sidd: sometimes i think you like your food more then me (he said pouting)

Avu: good...then you think correct

Sidd: haw so mean (he said while crossing his arms over his chest)

Avu: i'm sorry (i said in a cute voice)

he just moved his face to the other side

Avu: sorry na...i like you more then pizza

Sidd: really? (he said turning around)

i nodded

Sidd: yay (he said like a child)

Avu: aw such a child (i said pulling his cheeks and he slapped my hands away)

Sidd: don't do that...i'm not a child

Avu: i mean....

Sidd: shut up

Everyone: awww

Jai: even after dating you guys fight so much

Avu: arre we have been fighting since day 1 then how can we let it go now

Sidd: true

all of us laughed and started eating and after eating

Abhi: guys get your luggage and meet me in the lobby then we will leave

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