Chapter 40

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Avu's POV

the race was going was the last leg and it was intense as everyone was doing good but the top two in lead right now were our college and this other college called the royals and abhi bhai had told me that they were our biggest rivals. Our college was leading and the royals were right behind when i saw the guy from royals trip aarav (guy from our college). That gave the royals a lead but still aarav got up quickly and started running but unfortunately he couldn't catch up in time and we came second. I instantly looked at the gang to see if anyone noticed and i saw bandar looking at me and he nodded at me confirming what i was thinking. both of us turned towards bhai

Avu/Sidd: bhai/dada

Abhi: what?

Avu: they cheated (i whispered)

Sidd: yeah, the guy from royals tripped aarav

Abhi: seriously?

we both nodded

Abhi: they are so cheap (he said in a angry voice)

Sidd: yeah

Avu: we should tell the principal

Abhi: but we don't have any proof

Sidd: yeah he wouldn't believe and even if he did the judges wouldn't

Avu: yeah i guess that's true

we were thinking when i realized

Avu: guys i am pretty sure that jannat was recording the race

all of us ran towards jann and she got scared

Jannat: why are you guys running (she said walking backwards)

Avu: jann were you recording the race

Jannat: yess (she said slowly)

Sidd: give it to us

Jannat: why?

Abhi: just give it

she gave us her phone with the video...we checked and it clearly showed the guy tripping aarav...all of us went to the principal

Abhi: sir the royals have cheated in the race

Principal: what do you guys mean?

Sidd: the guy from the royal's tripped aarav

Principal: this is a very big accusation you're making on guys better have proof

i showed him the video on jannat's phone

Principal: this is outrageous....we have to show this to the judges

he told us to stay here and went to the judges to talk to them. He came back after 5 minutes with a angry face

Principal: i'm sorry guys the judges can't do anything because the guy is not ready to accept it

Abhi: what about the video?

Principal: they said it could be a accident and that there is no proof that he did that on purpose

Abhi: that's not fair

Avu: this is cheating

Principal: even i am mad but right we can't do anything....the only thing we can do is try to be more alert next time and win all the other competitions

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