Chapter 26

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Avu's POV

It was my worst nightmare....Riyaz Aly.(A/N i know he is the most common villain but he is the only person who is the villain in sidneet's story and in avu's life)  I was shocked....he was the reason I went into depression....he was the reason I almost took my life.....he was the reason I lost all hope.  I got off bandar's back and stood behind him I didn't have the courage to face the sole reason I almost lost my life. Reem rushed towards me and held my hand, she knew the whole story and everything that happened. 

Riyaz: are you guys the ones who are organizing the competition

Abhi: yeah that's us....why?

Riyaz: the principal told me to give you guys this (he said handing a piece of paper to bhai)

Abhi: it says that some riyaz aly is supposed to work with us as well

hearing that name after so many years brought back too many memories. 

Riyaz: i am riyaz

Abhi: oh okay so then I guess you are working with us

Jai: are you new to this college?

Riyaz: yeah i just joined a week ago

Jai: ohh 

I think di, and bandar noticed my weird behavior

Vaishu: well, we were just about to take a break so why don't you meet us back here in an hour then we will explain everything to you

Riyaz: okay that sounds good (he left but before he did he smirked at me)

i was so scared i was shaking and there were tears in my eyes....after he left di turned towards me

Vaishu: avu are you okay? what happened?

I was not in the state to speak

Reem: actually we both know him from before.....and trust me he is not a good person

Abhi: what do you mean

reem looked at me and I's time to tell them my story

Avu: c-can w-we g-go somewhere then i will tell you everything

Abhi: let's go to starbucks as planned

after we reached starbucks, we got a table and sat on it....i sat beside jaan and bandar

Avu: so as jaan said we already know r-ri.....him. when I was little my parents died and ever since then I have been living with jaan's family that's why I consider her as my sister. However when I was little and we were in the 4th grade a new kid entered our was r-ri-riyaz. Him and his gang started bullying me....really one knew about this. That bullying put me in depression, i used to harm myself and it got so bad that i stopped eating, i stopped being happy, i stopped being myself. This bullying continued for 8 years, i started suffocating in my own life. Yiu know when you hear the same thing again and again you start believing it, well same way I started believing that i was worthless....and a lot more. Reem only found out a year ago she helped me come out of that stage and that is why she is so protective about me. And all this happened because of one person: Riyaz Aly. One of the reason I took admission in this college was because I wanted to get away from him but he came back into my life anyways. (i had tears streaming down my cheeks )

i felt someone grab my hand under the table and it was bandar...jaan gently wiped the tears 

Vaishu: avu....(she trailed off)

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