Chapter 36

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Avu's POV

after we finally brought all the decorations in we started working....i was putting up a banner that said welcome and i was on top of the ladder

Sidd: move it a bit to the right 

i moved the banner to the right

Sidd: no actually a bit to the left

i moved it to the left

Sidd: move it a little bit down

i moved it down

Sidd: move-

Avu: bandar im just putting up a banner it's not rocket science that your being so precise(i said angrily)

Sidd: but-

Avu: now  what (i said in a annoyed voice)

Sidd: it's tilted (he said pointing to the banner)

Avu: ugh 

i stretched a bit to reach it but i didn't realize when i slipped off the edge and was about to fall. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the floor but it never came so i slowly opened my eyes and i saw that bandar had caught me. 

Abhi: guys we would like to be done  decorating today (he said yelling at us)

we instantly let go of each other and stood up

Avu: it's not like that

Reem: yeah we know exactly what it's like (she said winking at me)

Avu: ugh but it-

Abhi: just get back to work please 

i went back on the ladder and fixed the banner 

Jai: neet and sidd can you help me with the balloons here

we walked over to where he was 

Sidd: what do you need help with?

Jai: well someone forgot the balloon blowing machine at home (he glared at jannat)

Jannat: oops, sorry

Jai:  so now i have to blow all these by myself (he said gesturing to the pile of unblown balloons beside him)

Avu: jai that's a lot 

Sidd: way too many to blow by ourselves

Jai: but what can we do the house is like 45 mins away and there's no stores near here either

i rolled my eyes

Avu: looks like we are doing this by ourselves 

me and bandar grabbed chairs and sat around jai and started blowing up balloons. Soon jannat came and she was recording us on her phone

Jannat: and here we have my stupid friends blowing up balloons

Jai: it's you're fault....don't call us stupid

Jannat: okay okay....but you guys look like balloons yourselves (she said laughing and taking a video of us)

Avu: what are you doing anyways?

Jannat: im making a vlog for each day of the competition so when it's done we can have like memories

Sidd: that's a great idea

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