Chapter 5

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Jannat's POV

I woke up in the morning and I was still upset....I mean i have  liked him for so long, it hurts to see him with someone else. But I have decided I won't let him know that I like him and I'm just going to pretend I'm happy for him and I'm slowly going to try to get over him. For now I got up and got ready, I didn't feel like going to college today, but what could I do. I can't miss anymore lectures....OMG that reminds me that me and faisal have to work on organizing the ceremony and we have to work together. But then I reminded myself that I am a strong girl and I can do this....if he's happy, I have to be happy for him. I was just thinking about all this when my phone started buzzing and it was a call from bhai so I picked it up

Jannat: good morning bhai (I tried to say it in a cheerful voice)

Abhi: Jaan what's going on? Why do you sound so low?

Oh god he knows me so well

Jannat: nothing bhai, I was just feeling a bit unwell, don't worry. But you tell me, why did you call me in the morning

Abhi: wait let me set up a conference call so I can tell everyone at the same time

Jannat: okay

after he added everyone and we were all just talking and after a while he added avu

*conversation from last chapter*

I didn't really say anything, as I didn't feel like talking at all and it's weird because I talk 24/7 like it's not even funny.  But for some reason today I felt like being quiet and just listening to everyone. After 10 minutes the doorbell rang and I opened the door and Faisal was standing there and behind him bhai and vaishu di on bhai's bike, jai on his own bike and sidd on his own bike so I wore my shoes , locked the door and went towards faisal's bike. My parents were out of town for a business conference so I was home alone for the next month. After that we went to go pick up avu and reem and from there we left to college. 

Avu's POV

We reached the college and all of us got down from the bikes and started walking towards the building and I decided this would be a good time to ask Jannat what happened to her. 

Avu: hey, jannat can I talk to you alone for a second please

Jannat: yea sure what happened

Avu: well I have been noticing since the morning that you have been very quiet and not yourself....did anything happen?

Jannat: no, nothing I'm fine 

Avu: stop lying to me, I can see right through you

Jannat: fine, but can we go somewhere else and talk?

Avu: okay. Hey guys, me and jannat are going to the office to get something important we'll meet you guys directly in the auditorium

Everyone except jannat and avu: okay, don't be late (and all of them started laughing on the fact that they all said the same thing)

(Jannat and Avu started roaming the hallways of the college as Jannat told Avu everything that happened last night and how she felt about faisal. How hurt she was, but it wasn't his fault and she basically told avu everything going inside of her head.)

Jannat's POV

When avu asked told me she noticed a change in my behavior, it made me feel overwhelmed because I haven't even known her for a full day yet but she noticed a change in me, she felt that something was wrong. I felt like I could trust avu, so I decided to tell her everything and it made me feel a lot better as well. 

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