Chapter 11

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Jai's POV

While we were all studying/doing homework I had a great idea on how I should apologize to reem. I had a plan for how I'm going to do this....I am going to take her to a special place. When we were on the bike and I was taking her to my special place she started realizing that this is not the way to her house

Reem's POV

I wasn't mad at jai anymore I forgave him the moment he apologized to me but I wanted to see what he would do to apologize.And so far he had done nothing, it was the end of the day and we were going home but something felt different. After a while I started realizing that this isn't the way to my house 

Reem: jai where are we going? this is not the way to my house

Jai: just wait and watch

what does he mean by that oh well I just enjoyed the beautiful nature around us.....after a while i saw a beautiful view there 

after a while i saw a beautiful view there 

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it looked like that^^

it was breathtaking...both of us got off the bike and walked to the edge of the dock and we sat there cross legged because we didn't want to get our feet wet. I could see the sun set from here it was the most beautiful thing in the world. 

Reem: this is beautiful

Jai: not as beautiful as you (he said making me blush)

Reem: how did you find this place

Jai: you know I love places like these so I stumbled upon it one day and ever since that day it became my special place I have never brought anyone here until now

Reem: oh wow so I'm the first person you brought here (i asked and he nodded his head in response)

Reem: can I ask why is that? why haven't you brought your friends here however you brought me here?

Jai: it's cause your special

he's so sweet 

Reem: well it's beautiful

Jai: not as beautiful as you tho (he said while winking playfully)

when he said that I started blushing

Jai's POV

I saw her blushing when I said that and I love making her blush because she looks so cute when she's blushing. We were sitting in comfortable silence just admiring the beauty around us when i felt her put her head on my shoulder and I looked down on her and smiled. 

Reem's POV

I was feeling kind of tired so I put my head on his shoulder and he looked at me and smiled....that smile that's what made me fall for him. He intertwined his hand with mine and that simple gesture made me blush....what wrong with you reem you can't blush at everything. I was lost in this moment the beauty in front of us and jai beside me i wish this moment never ends. Just as I was thinking about this I realized that avi doesn't about this....she's going to be worried and she's going to kill me. I immediately shot up 

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