Chapter 64

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Avu's POV

we went in the kitchen to start making dinner

Abhi: what are we going to make?

Jannat: BURGERS!

Vaishu: burgers it is then

jannat had kicked fais and jai out of the kitchen after the smoothie fiasco. So they were sitting on the dining table and watching us cook. I saw that sidd was trying to cut vegetables but he wasn't doing it properly and he could easily get hurt so i ran over to him

Avu: bandar that's not how you do it (i said taking the knife from him) will hurt yourself

he just looked at me with a confused face

Avu: you move...i'll do it (i said shaking my head)

Sidd: okay thanks bye (and he went and sat near jai and fais)

after making and eating the burgers we decided to watch a movie since we had time so we decided to watch five feet apart. By the end of the movie everyone had tears in their eyes even sidd but i didn't. People think i am a very emotional person that i can start crying easily but that's not true i only cry if something affects me extremely like my parents. After the movie finished we just talked and played some games until uncle and aunty came home and then we left. Right now jai and sidd are going to drop me and reem off. 

Sidd: we're here

Avu: i know.....i have eyes

Sidd: oh really i didn't know (he said sarcastically)

Avu: whatever i'm going

i turned around when he held my hand from the back

Sidd: you forgot something

Avu: what (i said turning around  to face him) 

Sidd: my goodnight kiss(he said with a pout)

i went to him and kissed his cheek

Avu: good night (i turned to leave)

and he held my hand again and pulled me back 

Avu: now what

Sidd: that wasn't proper

Avu: sidd we're outside anyone will see and plus jaireem will come soon too

Sidd: i don't care....i want it (he said pouting again)

oh god he's so cute....i went closer to him and before i could react he smashed his lips on mine and kissed me passionately when we heard the noise of jai's bike so we pulled away quickly 

Avu: good night 

Sidd: good night

and i ran inside....after 5 minutes reem came and after talking for a while both of us went to sleep. 

Reem's POV

the next morning my alarm didn't ring so i woke up super late 

Reem: SHIT (i said checking the time)

and then i heard a honk and saw that the boys were already here. i quickly called them and told them to come inside while i ran to avi's room and woke her up but she wasn't waking up

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