Chapter 25

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Meanwhile with the others (btw it is still night)

Faisal's POV

Before going to sleep I was really thirsty so I went to go get water. I entered the kitchen and I saw jannat standing there so i tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around.....she had tears in her eyes she quickly wiped her tears away. But it was too late i saw them

Faisal: jannu why are you crying?

Jannat: n-n-nothing

Faisal: jann I am your best friend....i know when something is wrong with just tell me the truth

she took a long pause and started speaking

Jannat: i-im scared (she whispered)

Faisal: of what?

Jannat: of sleeping alone because i will get that nightmare again and it's scary

that bloody nightmare.....i have to figure out why it came back but for now i need to calm her down

Faisal: would it help if i slept with you?

Jannat: you don't need's okay

Faisal: kya it's okay? here you are so scared that you are crying which means it's something big and then I offer to help you and you are like "no it's okay" (I said mocking her)

Jannat: acha baba sorry and yes it will help (she said with a small smile)

Faisal: then let's goooooo (i said pulling her)

(sleeping arrangements: reem, vaishu, and jannat in reem's room, jai, abhi and faisal: guest room 1, sidd and avu: wherever they fall asleep because they were supposed to study all night)

me and jann went to the second guest room and we laid on the bed and she came and hugged me and i hugged her back

Jannat: good night

Faisal: good night 

and both of us drifted off to sleep

Reem's POV

After trying for a long time I gave up on sleeping and decided to go to the balcony. Before going there I decided to check on avi and sidd....I went to the living room but they weren't there then I heard voices from avu's room so i figured that they were probably there. I went to the balcony and I was just looking at the beautiful view of the city when someone spoke 

?: beautiful isn't it?

I turned around and it was jai

Reem: yeah it is (i turned back around to the city)

Jai: you know they say mumbai is the city that never sleeps but that doesn't mean you don't sleep either (he said chuckling)...why are you up at this time anyways?

Reem: I could ask you the same thing

Jai: well I couldn't sleep

Reem: same here

and we started talking and we didn't realize we had been there for an hour and soon both of us were yawning

Reem: we should go sleep now

Jai: yeah we should

we both started going towards our rooms when i don't know what got into me

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