Chapter 14

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Jannat's POV

I woke up a little late today as we didn't have college and I really needed this sleep. Because exams are coming in 2 weeks and I have started studying and I end up sleeping at 3 am and waking up at 6 am. I tell myself that it's because I am stressed for exams and that I am staying up to study for exams but deep down even I know that I am doing this because i want to avoid thinking about "him"....somewhere deep down inside of me I knew that he would never feel the same way about me but I still liked him.... I knew I was going to get hurt yet I still continued liking him and there's no one to blame but me. It hurts when the person you've liked for such a long time doesn't like you back but it hurts even more when you realize that the person will never know how much you liked them. You're going to go through college pretending you're happy always keeping a smile on your face then after college you will both go your own ways and get busy in your life and you will forget about them but one day you will hear his/her name again and all those memories will come back like storm. I was thinking about all this and I didn't realize when I had started crying and then my phone started ringing I wiped my tears and picked it up it was vaishu di. 

*on call*

Vaishu: jannn

Jannat: vaishu diiiii

Vaishu: okay listen all of us are meeting up at abhay and sidd's house to study so come there

I thought about it and I really didn't feel like seeing him... I didn't have the energy to pretend to be happy... I didn't have the energy to put on a mask in front of him or anyone else

Jannat: di i am not going to be able to come

Vaishu: why? jann are you okay?

Jannat: yeah di, I'm fine just a headache

Vaishu: jann are you sure your okay? I know uncle and aunty have gone out of town do you want me to come there

Jannat: di, trust me I'm fine I will just take medicine

Vaishu: but jannat i don't want to leave you alone while you're this just come with me to abhay's house and if you want you can rest there

let me tell you something vaishu di can be the most stubborn person ever...there's no winning against her...You know what why am I avoiding the time I can spend with my friends because of him..if he is happy then I should be happy too I am not going to give up time with my friends because of him my friends mean more to me 

Vaishu: jann are you there?

Jannat: yeah di i am here and change of plans I'll be there but what time? 

Vaishu: come around 2:00-2:30

Jannat: okay

I looked at the time and it was 10:30 I still had plenty of time so I got ready, ate breakfast and was watching tv

Jai's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing I picked it up and it was reem

*on call*

Reem: hey jai

Jai: hey

Reem: did you just wake up?

Jai: yeah 

Reem: oh god you're such a lazyass

Jai: is this why you called me? to tell me how lazy I am if yes then thank you I know now I would like to sleep

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