Chapter 61

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*guys let me know how the edit is*

Sidd's POV

Today is the third day since the accident and the doctor said that if jai doesn't wake up today then he will go into coma. everyone was tensed but reem was in the worst condition...she kept zoning out, barely talking it's really not good for her. It was already afternoon and jai still wasn't showing any movement and it was scaring us even more. I had sent uncle and aunty home because they looked miserable and needed some rest so it was just the 8 of us. we were sitting around jai. no one was speaking yet all of us were thinking the same thing then the doctor came 

Doctor: guys we need to give him the medicine

we all nodded and went out of the room...the doctor had discharged dada, fais and avu early because they were fine so we sat on the chairs outside of his room. Dada and di were sitting in one of the corners while fais and jann in another corner and me, reem and avu were sitting right infront of the room. Me and reem rested our shoulders on avu's head and she was caressing our hair.

Avu: guys he will be can't lose hope not now 

we slightly nodded...soon the doctor came out and all of us got to our feet

Abhi: doctor what happened

Faisal: is he okay?

he nodded negatively

Doctor: there is still no movement in his body...and if there is no movement by tonight he will slip into a coma

all of us looked's not easy hearing this

Doctor: sorry (he said putting his hand on my shoulder and then left)

all of us went back to his room and sat around him again

Reem: jai please wake up

Jannat: jai who will call me stupid now

Avu: who will dance with me and make useless tiktoks with me

Faisal: who will stay up all night playing video games with me

Abhi: who will eat all the food in the house

Vaishu: who will prank people with me

Sidd: who will call me at 3 am because he forgot to do his homework...again

we all looked at him with tears in our eyes....we sat there for god knows how long before we all drifted off to sleep

Avu's POV

i woke up and saw that we fell asleep in jai's room everyone was sitting on chairs but their heads were on his bed. I had a slight smile but then i looked at jai and his eyes were still closed and no movement and then suddenly the doctor came inside the room

Doctor: you guys will have to step out for a while 

i nodded and woke everyone up and we all went outside...sidd was pacing around the hallway lost in his thoughts. Soon the doctor came out

Doctor: he is still not showing any movement and he has slipped into coma (that sentence stopped my heart)

Vaishu: doctor  when will he wake up

Doctor: we can't be sure (he said sighing)

Abhi: okay thank you doctor (and he left)

as soon as the doctor left reem fell on her knees and burst into tears. i immedieatly sat next to her and pulled her into a hug and she cried her out

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