Chapter 52

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*guys, let me know how the edit is*

Sidd's POV

I walked a little further and i saw a huge tree...i have seen it many times when we were here but this time it was different. It had fairy lights wrapped around it and there were some photos hanging  from the tree. I went closer to the trees and looked at the photos when i realized that these were mine and avu's pictures. I saw one from the welcoming ceremony of us dancing, i saw one where my head was on her lap, i saw some of the selfies we took and there were many more. I was looking at the photos when i someone tapped me on my shoulder...when i turned around my breath hitched. It was avu and she was looking absolutely breathtaking



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Avu: hi (she said softly)

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Avu: hi (she said softly)

Sidd: look beautiful 

Avu: don't look too bad yourself (she said lightly punching my shoulder)

Sidd: i always look good (i said with a smirk)

Avu: yeah right (she said sarcastically)

Sidd: oh yeah (i started tickling her)

Avu's POV

i love spending time with him...being with him, being around him is so easy i don't have to worry about how i look, i could be wearing sweats and sweater and he wouldn't mind. I don't have to worry about how i act, i can be myself around him without the fear of getting judged. 

Avu: bandar stop (i said in between laughs)

Sidd: first say that i look very hot and sexy 

that you do

Avu: no i don't lie ( i said trying to get away from him)

Sidd: then i am not stopping (he said tickling me more)

Avu: okay okay fine

he stopped for a second

Avu: you look really hot and sexy (i rolled my eyes)

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