Chapter 29

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Faisal's POV

I reached college and i saw jann standing there at the entrance....she looked lost in her thought. I drove up to her and honked to pull her out of her thoughts. 

Faisal: where were you lost? (i asked her as she climbed on the bike)

Jannat: nowhere

Faisal: okay and jann sorry again about the rehearsals

Jannat: i told you before it's fine....i managed it

Faisal: have the groups made any progress?

Jannat: yeah they all have been working very hard...unlike someone else (she said under her breath but i heard it)

i stopped the bike and got down

Faisal: jannat i knew you had a problem with me ditching you

Jannat: ok yes i did.....i mean you ditched me and i had to take care of everything myself, you know i am not a great dancer still i had to work with the dance groups (then suddenly she got down and rolled up her jeans a bit and i could see that her ankle was bruised) faisal i didn't have a problem that you left my problem is that you didn't feel the need to inform me....if you informed me i could have at least aadi to help me and drop me off.

for some reason i felt weird when she talked about aadi dropping her off. I felt and angry and some other unknown emotion

Faisal: i told you i forgot and how did that happen? 

Jannat: fais this isn't some homework that you forgot this is very important what if I had something else and wasn't able to come and you "forgot" (she said making air quotations)....the principal, bhai and di all trusted us to take care of can't just forget about it like that. i was trying to teach them a dance move but someone tripped me and i twisted my ankle

Faisal: i know it won't happen again but i had other things....i have other priorities 

Jannat: of course you do.....can we just go

during all this one thing kept bothering me....why didn't she tell me she was feeling like this every time we have a fight or something is bothering her or if she's upset with me she would tell me sometimes even before i could ask her what's wrong. But today she was feeling upset and she wouldn't even have told me if i hadn't asked her this much.....she was about to go sit on the bike but i held her wrist

Faisal: why didn't you tell me that you were feeling like this 

Jannat: i just did

Faisal: that's because i asked you.....before you used to tell me even when i didn't ask you and now i have to ask you so much for you to tell me....jann what is going on?

Jannat: nothing....just like you priorities changed so did priority now is myself....i didn't tell you because if this competition...if i mattered to you then  then you would never have forgot in the first place. Now let's go (she said as she sat on the bike)

i didn't know how to reply....she has changed completely this is not the jannat that was my best friend, that was sidd, jai's and bhai's sister, that was di's best friend.....this is not the jannat i met. I know exactly who to talk to about this. I went behind her and started the bike and soon enough we reached her house

Jannat: bye and listen don't think much about it.....i'm fine (she said walking away but i could hear her wincing at every step she took)

I turned off my bike, ran to her and picked her up then I quickly rang the doorbell and her older brother raj opened the door. 

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