Chapter 38

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Abhi's POV

Before i could reply to her the announcer started talking

Announcer: and for the last performance of the day we have the people responsible for all this coming together we have the crazy 8. 

that meant that it was the time for our performance....our performance was up first then jann and fais, then jai and reem, then sidd and avu and in the end was our group one

Sidd: guys, for a second forget about what happened, you guys are still best friends....for the sake of the performance but please just go out there and perform...i know you can do it

he hugged both of us and soon the song started and we started our performance

after our performance we went off the stage and jann and fais came on

me and vishu were just standing beside each other awkwardly not making any eye contact

after jai and reem were done sidd and avu went on stage but all of us got a shock because instead of sidd playing the guitar...avu was playing the guitar and sidd was singing with a mic in his hand. This is not what was planned but it looked nice...the way the looked at each other and smiled. Anyone from a mile away can tell that they like each other just if they would accept it themselves

and after they were done singing all of us went on stage and did our performance on 

and after our performance we took a bow and went off stage and as soon as we went off stage vishu ran off somewhere. 

Avu's POV

As soon as we were done our performance vaishu di ran off somewhere, faisal went to meet muskaan, abhi bhai disappeared, and then suddenly bandar grabbed my hand and pulled me somewhere

Avu: bandar what happened? where are you taking me? can you answer my questions? (i said as i stopped in my place)

he narrated what happened with bhai and di to me and i was shocked....this was not supposed to happen....both of us rushed towards the direction we saw di run in. We ran and ran until we saw her outside in the garden sitting on a bench and we could hear her crying

Vaishu's POV

i was shocked to my core when i heard all that from abhay....i couldn't believe it. As soon as our performance ended i ran away i needed time to think about all this....i was sitting on a bench in the garden when i felt two hands on my shoulders. I instantly got up and turned around, it was sidd and avu. I took a breath of relief....i was not ready to face abhay just yet

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