Chapter 4

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Reem's POV

I was just sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram on my phone. I was waiting for avi to come home. I know she's safe as she's coming with sidd but still i'm her best friend, I worry about her.  I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the door opening. I saw avi come in and she was smiling and lost in her thoughts. I coughed to pull her out of her thoughts. But it didn't work

Reem: who are you thinking about huh? (i said while smirking)

Avu: that bandar (she said still lost in her thoughts)

I was shocked. Whoa, what happened on that bike that avi is thinking about sidd and that too while SMILING. this is abnormal

Reem: sidd huhhh(i said teasing her)

I snapped in front of her face she suddenly snapped out of her thoughts 

Avu: huh, what are you saying

Oh god, what am I going to do with her

Reem: I'm asking you who were you thinking about? 

Avu: uh n-no one why? (she said while looking at the floor)

Reem: Oh really? that's not what you said the first time (i said smirking)

her cheeks immediatly went red...she was blushing. That's thing to know about avu, she never blushes

Avu: shut up it's nothing like that

Reem: welllll, I mean you were thinking about him. What happened on that bike huh (i said raising my eyebrows)

She got nervous and started fiddling with her jacket. But wait she didn't wear a jacket to school today neither did she take one with her. So who's jacket is she wearing, when I looked at it closely i realized omg it's sidd's jacket. So something did happen

Avu: Nothing happened, now let's go to sleep it's getting late

Before she could leave i grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to where she was standing

Reem: I know exactly what happened( i said winking at her)

She had a shocked expression on her face, she tried to cover it up quickly but too late 

Avu: for the last time, nothing happened

Avu's POV
I walked into the house and I was lost in my thoughts, I was thinking about what happened on the bike today. His amazing hazel eyes and how nice he was. He gave me his jacket even thought he was cold but he gave it to me  so I wouldn't be cold. Is there any chance that I may have misunderstood him. I mean he is so nice, i don't know why we are always fighting. I was lost in my thoughts when I entered the house and reem was asking me something and I didn't really pay attention and I just randomly answered. Then I saw snapping in front of my face which caused me to get pulled out of my thoughts. Then she asked me who I was thinking about. Oh god avu  now ur gone. *their convo earlier*.  She kept on asking me what happened on the bike and I got nervous and started fiddling with his jacket. I tried to leave again, but like she would let me leave. Then the worst thing happened she said she knows what happened and I was shocked, but I tried to cover it up quickly. But then she said

Reem: Is that why you're wearing his jacket? (she had a satisfied smirk on her face)

Avu: It's n-nothing like that , you see I was just cold and he was being nice and I refused but he still gave it,  its not my fault and nothing else happened and I forgo-

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