Chapter 43

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*guys let me know how the edit is....your opinions matter a lot to me*

Avu's POV

Yesterday was the cycling match and we came third which is not that bad. It was a normal day nothing really interesting except me being nice to bandar which was really hard but thankfully it's over now. Today is the basketball match the more important game for the competition and i am nervous but also very excited. I woke up to jaan throwing water on me

Avu: what the hell jaan (i said throwing a pillow at her)

Reem: this is pay back avi for yesterday

Avu: whatever (i said as i buried my face in my pillow again)

Reem: avi get up you have to get ready today is the basketball game

i immediately sat up

Avu: jaan im scared

Reem: avi chill take deep're going to rock it

i smiled and went to go get ready. After getting ready i saw that jannie and vaishu di were still asleep so after waking them up i went downstairs and all the boys plus reem were sitting there eating.

Avu: wow guys for once you ready on time

Sidd: yeah and you're late

Avu: no i'm not (i said showing him the time)

Abhi: where is vishu and jann

Avu: they're getting ready they will be down in 5 minutes

i grabbed a pancake and started eating soon di and jannat also came downstairs and after everyone was done eating we left for the college. After setting everything up there me and bandar were warming up

Sidd: nervous?

Avu: very

Sidd: don't be you will be fine

i just nodded and soon all the teams had arrived.

Principal: good morning everyone the format for the basketball game will be the same as the volleyball game so to start off it will be emperial vs centennial and the second game will be rosedale vs royals. Good luck to all the teams and may be the best team win.

we started off by playing centennial and they weren't bad we beat them 101-95. Then we were watching the royals play against rosedale

Avu: they are so good (i said whispering to bandar)

Sidd: but we are better

Avu: i am getting more scared now

he took my hand and intertwined our fingers

Sidd: just chill okay we are going to do great plus i am going to be right there beside you so stop worrying

Avu: okay

the royals won as expected next we were versing rosedale and we lost by 110-107. Then we faced the royals and they won by one point as it went into overtime. After a bunch of those matches we were in the finals against the royals. The first had just ended and we were leading by two the end of the second quarter the royals had gained a lead of 3 points. The third quarter ended and we were in the lead again by 4 points. The fourth quarter had just started and everything was going smoothly and we were maintaining our lead. I had the ball and i was dribbling it dodging all the defenders but then suddenly i felt someone push me down on the floor...i looked up and it was a guy from the royals and then he harshly stepped on my ankle

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