Chapter 68

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*guys this is the first time i made a edit with videostar...let me know how it is*

Avu's POV

i walked in and saw something that broke my heart completely....i saw sidd kissing sara. I was stunned i felt like someone was stabbing me continuously. i hoped it was just a nightmare that i would wake up from but it wasn't it was the reality. And the reality was that he cheated on me 

Avu: s-sidd (i whispered)

i was in no state to talk...tears were continuously pouring out of   my eyes. as i said his name he quickly turned around

Sidd: avu it's not what it looks like (he said coming towards me)

Avu: n-no s-stop (i said walking back and put my hand in front)

Sidd: avu

Avu: d-dont c-call m-me t-that (i said sttutering)....i d-didn't e-expect t-this f-from y-you

Sidd: just listen to me once please (i saw pain and tears in his eyes)

i shook my head 

Avu: w-were o-over  

only i know how hard it was for me to say that. As soon as i said that i ran and i kept running until i was a far distance from the college and i ended up near the field that we went to. Tears started coming down even faster at the thought of us together. I cant believe he would do something like this because he himself has gone through this. I slowly walked towards the field as the memories of us in this field kept flashing in my eyes. people say love is when you give someone the power to completely destroy you but trust them to not use it and guess what Mr. Siddharth Nigam completely destroyed me. I never believed in love until he came in my life and turned it upside down i wish i had never met him i wish i had never fallen in love with him

Avu: WHY SIDDHARTH WHY? WAS I THAT BAD? (i screamed trying to let out my pain)

i called a cab and decided to go home because there was no one home as reem was out with jai as soon as i went in i threw my bag on the couch and ran upstairs.  i closed the door and slid down with my back to the door. I was shaking violently with each sob as i relived all the times i have spent with him. i tried calming myself down but the tears weren't stopping. Soon i heard footsteps coming up the stairs so i quickly wiped my tears when someone knocks on the door

Sidd: avu (he says with a shaky voice)

and the tears started streaming down my face again but i didn't reply to him

Sidd: please listen to me once (i could hear the pain in his voice )

but why was he in pain....i was the one who should be in pain

Avu: p-please g-go away you have done enough 

i heard him sigh

Sidd: i am not going away until you listen to me 

Avu: i d-don't want to listen to you

Sidd: fine don't listen i'm not leaving 


both of them sat there their backs to each other with just a mere door separating them, the door that represented their misunderstandings, their broken trust,  and their shattered hearts. Both of them were a mess with their tear stained face, bloodshot eyes and messed up hair. 


Avu's POV

I couldn't stay in mumbai anymore....i needed to be away from him, i needed time to myself to gather myself again. I took my laptop and booked a ticket to dehradun and started packing my stuff as quietly as i can.  The ticket was for tomorrow morning and it was 6 in the evening right now when i got a message from reem saying that her and jai will be home late or they might stay at jai's house. After packing i laid down on the bed emotionless, broken and in pain. The tears had dried up but my heart was still mourning in pain. I laid there thinking about where i went wrong, was i not enough for him....what was wrong with me. I felt tears in my eyes again and i let them fall because i needed to get this out of my system. My head started hurting because of the excessive crying so i took medicine and i didn't realize when i fell asleep. The next morning i woke up to my alarm and i quickly turned it off and got ready and after taking everything i looked back at my room. This rooms holds so many memories that i will keep forever. I slowly opened the door and i saw him sitting with his back against the wall in front of my room and he was asleep, his cheeks were tear stained and his hair and clothes were all messed up. Tears stinged my eyes as i took one last look at him and left the house not before putting the letter in reem's room. I booked a uber and went to the airport

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