Chapter 3

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(on sidneet's bike)

Sidd's POV
Ugh, I have to go with that nakchadi on my bike. I don't know why but somewhere deep deep deep down I am kind of feeling happy. I have no clue's weird. Anyways, we went to the parking lot, said bye to everyone and we sat on the bike. I was about to start the bike but then I realized I have no clue where she lives. How am I supposed to drop her? I was about to turn around and ask her but before I could she started talking

Avu: Wait, what aren't you driving? Why did you turn the bike off? What happened? Why did you turn around? Are we not going home? Are you going to kidnap me? Please don't kidnap me

Sidd: Liste-

before I could speak she started talking again

Avu: Why aren't you answering? Tell mee! Why are we still here? Look every-

Before she could start her express train again I put my hand on her mouth. And I was looking into her eyes and she was looking into mine. It was a beautiful moment.  Ew sid what are you saying? You hate her. (if it's written in bold it means that it's their subconscious minds talking)

Avu's POV

I am only doing this for Reem. But somewhere deep deep deep deep down I felt happy. But I shook it off, why would I be happy. I have to go with that bandar (i internally rolled my eyes). I made my way to the parking lot and followed that bandar to his bike. We said goodbye to everyone and sat on the bike. He started the bike but he wasn't driving and then after like two minutes he turned the bike off and turned around to face me. And I was confused at what's happening so I decided to ask him

*their conversation earlier*

But he wasn' replying so I decided to ask him again. But this time before I could finish he put his hand on my mouth. And he was looking into my eyes and I was looking into his. His eyes are so prettyy. EW avu what are you on? he is a total bandar 

Sidd: You speak way too much. and if you let me speak then only I'll speak na. And don't worry I won't kidnap a pretty girl like you (he said and winked at me, and i slapped his arm). ow anyways I wasn't starting because I don't know your address so how am I supposed to drop you off? Unless you want me to kidnap you and take you to my house (he said while smirking, I rolled my eyes) 

Sidd: Don't roll your eyes too much, they might get stuck back there (he said while chuckling). Anyways, what's your address. 

Oh god he's such an idiot. He's waiting for me to speak but how am I supposed to? He has his hand on my mouth. 

Sidd: Speak na, you were speaking so much before and now you're not speaking at all.


 (I pointed towards his hand)

Sidd: Oh shit, sorry now tell me

Avu: *random address* 

Sidd: okay let's go now. 

Avu: That would be a good idea (i said while rolling my eyes)

Sidd: Shut up don't start again. 

Sidd's POV
After that argument we didn't talk for a while. Until I felt her shivering and I felt bad for her i mean it's freezing right now and she isn't even wearing a jacket. So I decided to be a gentleman and give her my jacket as I'm not cold. so i pulled over to the side turned the bike off and got down.

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