Chapter 63

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Avu's POV

the teacher gave us our test and we were sitting in a row like di, me, fais, bhai, jai,jannat and reem. And since none of us were ready for this test we had decided to help each other out, we made a very simple strategy so since there were 10 questions whichever question we needed answer for we would tap our foot that many times. Like if i needed the answer for question 2 then i would tap my foot 2 times. and whoever had the answer would tap their foot once so then we would pass the answer down. So the test started and when i tell you i didn't know anything on that test i totally mean it. i needed the answer to the 3rd question so i tapped my foot three times and i felt di poke me so i turned towards her and she slyly slid her paper towards me and i quickly copied the answer. then reem tapped her foot 4 times and the answer was with me this time so i slid my paper to fais who copied the answer on his paper then he slid his paper over to bhai and this went on until the answer reached reem. Somehow we got through the test and hopefully managed not to fail. After that we went to the cafeteria for lunch

Vaishu: i can't believe we just cheated on a test

Jai: we didn't cheat...we used our brains 

Jannat: if we had brains we wouldn't need to cheat

Faisal: plus it was just a review test she isn't even going to count it in our mark it's just to check if we have been paying attention

Abhi: apparently we haven't been paying attention

Sidd: can we stop talking about the quiz now 

and we got into random conversation and the rest day just flew by and we had decided to film our first video today which was the smoothie challenge but in teams. Right me and bandar were driving home

Avu: bandar

Sidd: yeah

Avu: i don't want to go home

Sidd: then where do you wanna go?

Avu: let's go somewhere peaceful

Sidd: okay let's go but tell reem

Avu: okay

i quickly called reem and told her that we were going somewhere and that we would meet everyone directly at jannat's house. Then he took a turn and i didn't recognize the road we were on

Avu: where are we going...this road is unknown

Sidd: chill it's a new place and i'm not going to kidnap you

Avu: i mean i wouldn't mind getting kidnapped by you (i said winking at him through the bike's mirror)

he chuckled at me and i laughed as well. soon we reached a beautiful field which was full of purple flowers and was surrounded by mountains. I got off the bike and ran into the field the smell of the flowers gave me a nostalgic brought back the memories of the past. There used to be a field similar to this one behind my old house where me and my parent's used to spend time in. The memories flashed in front of my eyes bringing tears to my eyes. I was shaken out of thoughts when i felt sidd wrap his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder

Sidd: what happened? (he asked in a soft voice)

i turned around and hugged him and buried my face in his chest

Avu: i miss my parents (i said trying not to cry)

Sidd: they are in a better place now and they are looking at you from above and they are proud of you

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