Chapter 22

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Abhi's POV

I'm so did I forget that, i was so busy with the whole competition and the school work it totally slipped my mind. I know how bad this day is for her and I didn't remember it. I turned towards her and started talking

Abhi: vishu i'm so sorry I didn't remember about today....I know I should've but with the whole competition thing and school and everything....i'm soooooo sorry vishu please forgive me

as I was about to ramble on vishu put a finger on my mouth to stop me from talking 

Vaishu: listen,it's okay this is my battle you don't need to remember it and I don't expect any of you guys have your own lives too you can't always be behind me and you have already done so much for me you guys were there for me when I needed you guys the most and specially you abhi you helped me come out of that were always there for me when I needed you. You brought me somewhat back to the old vaishnavi and i know you are really stressed right now and that is why I didn't want to bring it up

Abhi: look vishu doesn't matter what I will always be here for you and listen that happened a year need to forget about him he is not worth remembering you should associate your college times with the fun times you spent with your friends not the bad times. When you look back at college i want it to be all good memories i know what happened scarred you but you are out of that phase you need to stop giving him so much importance he doesn't deserve it. I know it's hard for you but you have to for yourself, your mom, me and your friends. No one want's to see you like this we all want the old vishu back so promise me from now on you won't think about him (i said putting my pinky out)

Vaishu's POV

I was thinking about what abhi said and he was right I have to stop giving him so much importance and I have to move on from him.....I have such amazing and supportive friends and family so if not for myself for them I have to go back to the old vishu I have to start loving my life again

Vaishu: promise (i said intertwining our pinkys)

It's our way to promise each other and if we promise we can't break it

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It's our way to promise each other and if we promise we can't break it

Abhi: now let's go back (he started walking towards the college)

Vaishu: abhi (he turned around and I ran up to him and hugged him)

Vaishu: thank you so much for everything.....I don't know how I am ever going to repay you

Abhi: there is one way you can repay me

Vaishu: how? 

Abhi: never let that smile leave your face and always enjoy life

I nodded and smiled at him and we went back to the college

Avu's POV

I saw bhai and di entering the auditorium so I ran up to di and hugged her. She was confused but she hugged me back

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