Chapter 46

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Avu's POV

It's been three weeks since that incident i have completely been avoiding siddharth but since i was weak and sick he still used to pick me up an drop me off. We had built this invisible wall between us one that was made by layers of misunderstandings and broken trusts. By now the gang found out that something happened between us but no one knew what except me and him. It was awkward in the gang because he had cut himself off from everyone and he barely talked. He had broken our friendship the next day he had told me that it's better if we don't talk to each other anymore and when I had asked him why he had told me that there are "reasons". We only talked to each other for the project and that's it. Everyday i went to sleep crying thinking that i went wrong somewhere, thinking that because of me our friendship broke. It was monday and I woke up and my head was throbbing because of the excessive crying and just as i was about to get out of bed jai and jaan entered the room

Reem: arre avi why are you getting up

Avu: to go to college

Jai: no you are not going to college....have you seen yourself(he said sternly)

Avu: but guys i can't stay home all the time because of him

they both looked at each other

Reem: fine but if anything happens we are coming straight home

they were about to leave

Avu: jai

Jai: yeah

Avu: can you please tell siddharth that i will come by myself

he nodded and they both left while i got ready for college



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