Chapter 53

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*guys i worked super hard on this edit...let me know how it is*

Avu's POV

we went in the kitchen and i got all the stuff needed for noodles but when i turned around sidd was sitting on the counter eating cupcakes

Avu: you're such a fatass (i said rolling my eyes)

Sidd: and your point is? (he said continuing to eat)

Avu: my point is that get down and help me (i said hitting him with the spatula)

Sidd:'re so abusive ( he said rubbing his arm)

Avu: and you are a child (i said hitting him again)

Sidd: i don't want to stay in this abusive relationship...someone save me (he said screaming as he ran outside)

this boy, i tell you 

Avu: i am going to kill you today (i said as i ran behind him, with the spatula still in my hand)

we ran into the living room and he was jumping on the sofa and the gang was just laughing at us 

Sidd's POV

i ran behind bhai

Sidd: bhai save me from this nakchadi

Avu: bhai don't protect this bandar

Abhi: i'm sorry sidd but i'm with avu on this one (he said moving away)

i ran towards di

Sidd: di please

Vaishu: fine (she said standing infront of me)

Avu: BHAII i need help

dada came and just picked di up

Sidd: DI

Vaishu: sorry sidd (she said trying to get out of dada's grip)

and like that the teams were made me, di, fais and jann against dada, nakchadi, jai and rimi

Sidd: ATTACK (we all ran towards each other and jumped on each other)

i took a pillow and threw it at jai but it accidentally hit avu

Sidd: shit mar gaya (i said under my breath)

Avu: BANDAR i am going to kill you

i ran inside a random room in panic and turns out it was avu's room and i was about to close the door when she came in

Avu's POV

i ran behind him in my room

Avu: i swear to god i am going to kill you

i went up to him and was about to slap him but he grabbed my hand turned me around. He wrapped his hands around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder. I felt sparks go through my whole body 

Avu: siddharth (i said in a whisper)

Sidd: hmm (he said with a smirk)

before i could say something bhai barged in the room

Abhi: here we were fighting for you two and you two are here romancing

Avu: bhai it's nothing like that (i said trying to get out of his grip)

Abhi: doesn't look like it (he said smirking at us)....anyways we ordered food from outside so come to the living room when your done

and he's gone

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