Chapter 67

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Avu's POV

Everyone had gone home except jai who was with reem and sidd who was with me. i was on the bed and bandar was sitting on the chair beside the bed and he was doing something on the phone while i was reading a book. Shocking right but i wasn't allowed to be on my phone because of my concussion. I hate reading so i was getting bored and decided to annoy bandar

Avu: bandarrrrrrrrr(i said stretching the word)

Sidd: nakchadiiiiii(he said in the same tone)

Avu: i'm boreddddd

Sidd: read the book you have (he said pointing to the book in my hand)

Avu: you know i hate reading books

Sidd: then do whatever you want i have some important work to finish (he  said looking back at his phone)

Avu: haww you are such a bad boyfriend....i am not going to talk to you (i said crossing my arms and turning away from him)

Sidd: okay ms. girlfriend what do you want to do?

Avu: yayyy (i said getting excited)....i want you to talk to me

he nodded and we were talking for the longest time when i checked the time and it was 8pm 

Avu: bandar i'm hungry

Sidd: let's go ask jai and reem what they want to do for dinner

we went to reem's room and knocked on the door and saw that both of them were asleep so i went and put the blanket on them and came outside of the room

Avu: i am so happy they are safe and okay

Sidd: btw what you did there was pretty brave

Avu: mhm (i said shuddering as i remembered what happened in that warehouse)

tears stinged my eyes and i felt so disgusted of my self i was lost in my thoughts when i felt bandar hug me

Sidd: i know it's hard but it will be okay we are all with you....i am with you

i nodded and buried my face in his chest and we stood there until i calmed down and then we went downstairs to do something for dinner

Avu: what are we going to do for dinner?

Sidd: well i'm a trash cook so that's out of the option

Avu: like i am  a great cook (i said sarcastically)

we were thinking about what we should do when our eyes fell on the packet on the counter and we looked at each other

Avu: maggie it is

i made the maggie in just 2 minutes and after eating we decided to watch a movie in my room. After we settled down in the bed with the laptop

Avu: what movie?

Sidd: doesn't matter put any on

so i decided to put on high school musical because why not. halfway through the movie i fell asleep because my head was hurting.  

Sidd's POV

it has been a week since that incident happened and this time riyaz is gone for good. It's already been one week which meant that we only had a week left for the exams and all of us decided to stay and study together for the one week so we decided to stay at avu and reem's house. and oh my god everywhere you go all you will see is papers and books. yesterday i was walking down the stairs and almost tripped on a textbook in the middle of the stairs. Right now it was morning and i was going to wake avu up because she asked me to help her in chem so i went to her room and saw avu and jannie sleeping on the bed in very weird positions. I slightly shook avu and she stirred

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