Chapter 55

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*guys let me know how the edit is*

Avu's POV 

We just finished our dance in our signature pose and we saw everyone around us looking at us and clapping. We blushed and let go of each other and we raced inside trying to look for the gang. We couldn't find them so then sidd decided to call abhi bhai and ask him where they were and they said that they were at the entrance and as we reached there we saw that they were also drenched and by this time the rain had was sunny. 

Jannat: the weather is so bipolar i swear (she said looking at the sky)

we all laughed at her

Abhi: okay guys so the next stop is qutub minar and the hotel comes in the way so we can change

we all nodded and piled up in the car trying not to get the seats too wet and soon we reached the hotel and after changing we left to go see the qutub minar. After visiting the qutub minar and spending some time there and taking photos we went to this restaurant to have lunch and by the time we were done with lunch it was already 3pm. 

Vaishu: guys there is a park nearby let's go there and sit for a while 

we nodded and we went to the park and it was only 5 minutes away. We reached there and we saw a basketball court and me and sidd smirked at each other...we had a basketball in the car don't ask why. So he brought that and we divided ourselves in two, di, jai and fais and on the other team was sidd, bhai, reem and jannat. We had decided that whichever team get's 50 points first will win and right now we were at 48 points and they were at 47 and i had the ball i dribbled it to the basket when sidd came in front of me and he was guarding me making it difficult for me to even move when i got an idea i quickly kissed his cheek and he froze there due to shock and i turned away from him and shot the ball and it got into the basket. I ran towards di, jai and fais and we did a big group hug

Sidd: that's not fair (he said pouting)

Vaishu: everything is fair in love and war

Abhi: so are you saying that was love (he said smirking)

Avu: no that was

Jai/Fais: WAR 

Vaishu: in which we won (she said sticking her tongue out)

we all laughed at her and after roaming around the park for a while we went back to the hotel and we all decided to just relax for a while and in the evening we were going to go to a nightclub that is in the hotel. i was really tired so i went to sleep while di was watching a movie

Vaishu's POV

i was watching a movie on my laptop but i also fell asleep somewhere during the movie....i woke up to avu's alarm ringing and it was 6pm we were supposed to be downstairs in the lobby by 7 so i went and took a quick shower and after changing my clothes i went and woke up avu 



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