♥ So your the player ♥

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"So I heard, your the player?" I asked already knowing that he was. Melo just nodded his head "yeah, I don't do none of that relationship or love shit" he said leaning back onto the couch. "So let's play a game" I said crossing my legs and drinking my shot. "What kind" he asked "it's a game where we sweet talk, play fight, hold each other, kiss & hug, talk 24/7... and in the end we will see who's actually is the true player" I smirked. "So first one to catch feelings, loses" he asked smirking. "Yeah" I nodded "let the game began!" He said.

*A week passed
So a week passed and me and melo have been talkin a lot and I'm going to this club tonight my friend is inviting some people to a club where a VIP section is since it's for her birthday and I know for a fact his ass gonna be there, so me being me imma head over there and try to make his ass fail the sooner the better. It's 7:46pm and the party started at 6 and I'm all dressed up lookin like a whole meal and shit you know.

I did ofc bring a sweater too, so my best friend Jordan was picking me up when he came I hopped inside his car and we headed over to the party

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I did ofc bring a sweater too, so my best friend Jordan was picking me up when he came I hopped inside his car and we headed over to the party. When we got there I felt eyes on me but I owned that shit. I walked with Jordan and greet my friend and gave her a Card with money in it, me and Jordan grabbed a drink and in the corner of my eye I seen melo with a few friends and he had a bitch on his lap. Hmm he hasn't seen me. I was drinking while Jordan try getting at these group of girls, and one of Melos friend came over to me. "Hey sexy" he say's with a smile "wass good" I said turning to him "nothin much, I just wanted to come talk to you" he said. We laughed and talked and had already made our way to a booth so we can sit comfortably but during all that I felt a pair of eyes burning into the back of my head. We was talking but than he stopped
"Yo melo look I want you to y/n" right when he said that I turned with a smirk on my face. "I know who's this" melo smirked back, melo lean down to my ear and said "you said we can hold each other right?" and I nodded than he told something to his friend and he smiled at me and he said bye, Melo than took his spot since me and his friend were sitting in a booth. "So you look good" he said moving closer to me. "Yeah well don't I always" I said putting my hand on his leg "look at you babe being all bold, I like it" he chuckled. I smiled "yeah but I don't wanna go over board here especially on my friends birthday".
Melo than grabbed my waist and placed me on top of his laps "than let's just talk"  he said. We talked for what felt like hours, Jordan was coming up us. "Hey y/n come let's go" he said I was gonna get up but melo had hold onto my waist "nah bro I will take her, thanks tho" he said having a stern voice, Jordan looked at me for approval and I nodded and he left. "Come on let's go back to my place" he said grabbing my hand and we left.
To Be continue...

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