Get in🤤

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"Chill bitch I ain't gonna do anything" I rolled my eyes "whatever just don't get in our way, they here" my brother said and opened the door. His friends came in it was about 6 of them he was having a lil boys night at our house since our parents weren't here. He was telling me to not bother them cuz he knows I like one of them and that one is Melo he's fine, and I'm pretty sure that he likes me too we always be flirting and trynna talk but my dumbass brother gets in the way a lot. "Come on in guys" my brother moved aside so they can get in "wass up y/n" Melo said "Hiii Melo" I smiled at him "anyways y/n get out of here we gonna kick it here" my brother snatched the remote from my hands "whatever" I got up and went to my room. I watched Netflix for about an hour but stopped cuz I noticed everything was too quiet. I went downstairs and saw two of my brothers friends knocked out and boxes of pizza and beer on the floor. Where's that dumbass and Melo I wondered, I grabbed my sweater and headed to the back yard "Yo mike you back here?" I yelled out for my brother but no response I walked to the pool house cuz usually him and his friends get in it "Mike what- Oh shit know where's my brother?" I asked nervously cuz I didn't find mike in the pool it was Melo "Yuh him and Elijah went to the store to get beer and shit" Melo simple said "right well thanks" I smiled and was about to walk out but wanna join me? I mean I'm alone I would like the Company mamas" he smiled "um sure but imma go change brb" I walked out calmly than a bitch Sprinted to her room 🏃‍♀️ 💨. "Gotta look cute Gotta look cute Gotta look cuteGotta look cute" I kept saying while looking for my black two piece. "finally" I quickly changed when I got it and tied my hair in a messy bun, I grabbed a towel and when down stairs. "Bout time thought you ditched me for a second" Melo cheesed at me "never that" I giggled and put my towel on the chair near by "dam ma look at you" he bit his lip I felt my leaf lowkey get red. "Um...anyways how you?" I asked adjusting to the water "good good you?" He asked "same just been bored cuz volleyball season over" "yuh I know what you mean. Girl what you doing all the way over there come here" he said I giggled and made my way to him "Nah I said here" he grabbed my waist placed me on his laps. "What if Mike-" "Melo Bitch where you at!?" Mike yelled outside the backyard "speaking of the devil" Melo laughed I quickly got off his laps "when he come in we go underwater, and then we stay here for bit after he leaves ight?" "Alr" I nodded. "Man check the pool how" One of my brother friend's said we heard my brother opening the door and we quickly dove under water. We waited a couple of seconds "Nah he ain't here...he probably left I mean it is late" he said and walked. We got back up and giggled. "Anyways back to where we were" he said and again placing me on his laps. "You know I been wanting to take you out but mike and us made a pack not to date each other's siblings and shit" melo said grabbing my chin "well that's stupid" I mumbled leaning in and stealing a quick kiss and pulling back  "what was that" he giggled making me smile. I leaned in again and our kiss turned into a heated make out we were devouring each other like we needed each other. I pulled away to catch some air "dam" he softly spoke we were inches apart from each other, we stared at each other's lips and we were about to kiss but we quickly pulled back we heard "What The Fuck is Going On?!" My brother Mike yelled.

^dis is crap but oh well😗

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