Live 😗

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I laughed as I read a comment on my live. I was in Melo's room waiting for him to come back upstairs and join the live with me "Alr imma be right back" I said to the live as I went to the restroom to get a brush, I came back and sat on the bed with my phone facing me. "Hey baby" melo said throwing himself on the bed and kissing my neck "hey love I'm-" I got cut off by him slamming his lips on mine. I pulled away and giggled "mamas I neeed youuu" he whined putting his hands on my waist and continuing to kiss neck. "Not right now babe" i giggled clearly knowing he doesn't know I'm live. He kissed my neck and placed his hand on my boob making me laugh " why are you laughing?" He asked leaving me love bites "cuz I'm live with 800 people" I laughed which caused him to stop and turn straight to my phone with a red face. "Fuck" he said embarrassed and Covering his face in his hands "guys I gotta go" I laughed and ended the live "why didn't you telll me" he said still covering his face "babe I tried but u kept cutting me off" I smiled "whatever" he said moving his face from his hands and bringing me onto his lap "at least we can continue" he smiled and cupped my face bringing our lips together.

Srry I haven't been updating...lowkey got no excuses I'm jus lazy 🥱😗

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