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"Babyyy whyyy noottt" i wined to my husband Lamelo Ball, we were currently at home laying on the bed and I have been complaining to him that I want a baby for the past two weeks. "Because y/n it will just be a distraction for both us and u get stressed out easily and we both know u get angry hella fast" he chuckled in the end "baby but we ain't getting any younger...and and" my sentence got cut off by Melo "ughh fine you wanna try for one ok than but if it's a boy imma name it ight?" Melo raises his eyebrows at me making me smile "oooo ok ok" I said jumping up and down.

* after doing the nasty aka making babies

Nah I'm jp the smut part in the bottom 👇

Melo grabbed my face and smashed his lips against mines, I wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him closer to me since I was way shorter. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I decline he pulled away and picked me up and threw me on the bed, he took off his shirt and then took off mines. I could tell he was impatient because he was having trouble unhooking my bra "here let do it" I giggle "Nah nah I got it" he said but failed so I did it. He kissed my neck down to my bare chest and kept going down, once he made it to my shorts he unbutton them and threw them somewhere in the room he licked my thigh teasingly "meloo stop playing" I whined. He chuckled and took off my underwear he instantly attacked my 🐱 making me moan like crazy. He ate me out like I was his favorite meal and shiii I better be "Melo I ain't gonna last" I whined he pulled away and took his shorts and boxers off. I bit my lip just at the sight of him "I know...I'm sexy" he winked making me roll my eyes at his cockiness. He placed himself between my legs and slammed into me making me arch my Back but he pushed me onto the bed and grabbed my throat tightly. He went in and out in a fast paste he hit the right spots perfectly making me yell "right there Melo" I moaned making him go faster. He brought my face up to his by my throat giving me a sloppy kiss than ramming into me again making me yell, I felt myself come but that didn't stop he kept going "fuckk this feels so good" he groaned bitting his lip. A bitch  felt so pleased that I was seeing stars Melo did a deep ass moan before coming in me and pulling out he gave me a kiss and laid himself on my chest.

*4 months later

Me and Melo were just finishing up our baby boy's room

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Me and Melo were just finishing up our baby boy's room. "Bro I can't believe imma be a daddy again" melo said happily as he placed star stickers on the wall "boy what you mean again?" I asked "I mean I'm a daddy to you now to this lil one" he walked over to me and kissed my belly making me giggle "whatever see tho it wasn't a bad idea right" I smiled "hell no it wasn't after this one we getting another one" he chuckled and placed and kiss on my lips.

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