I messed up 😔 (2)

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Melo's POV

It's been 3 weeks since I last saw y/n and I was feeling lonely and I had no motivation to do anything. Me and Ashley stopped fucking with each other cuz she was trying to get in a committed relationship with one of my friends which I didn't really care cuz I didn't love her. I was currently laying in my bed on my phone scrolling thru Instagram when Zo bursted into my room making me jump up "broo!" He yelled "man Fool chill what's yo problem" I said annoyed cuz I wanted to be alone "Yo girl got a new mans" he cheesed I paused and thought of y/n for a moment but ignored it she wouldn't get over me that easy....right?
"W-who Ashley?" I asked and Zo shook his head "Nah y/n and this dude look" he showed me a picture on Snapchat of y/n and this one dude I couldn't make out who it was cuz the picture was kinda blurry.

right? "W-who Ashley?" I asked and Zo shook his head "Nah y/n and this dude look" he showed me a picture on Snapchat of y/n and this one dude I couldn't make out who it was cuz the picture was kinda blurry

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But seeing her with him made me get a weird feeling in me and I didn't like it. I kept looking at the picture until Zo took his phone back from my hands "look man... you need to get her back you completely turned into a different person and that dude and her been spending time for a minute already, and you looking at the picture looks like you don't like it" Zo finish his sentence, I rolled my eyes "of course I don't like it.. I thought she would be hurting right now like me. I guess not." Zo sat next to me "Me, Gelo, And Gelo's girl gonna go to the movies later wanna come?" I mean I don't got anything better to do so why not "sure" I replied.

Back to Y/n POV

"Girl fuck Him. Period he meant to hurt you, what kind of person who loves you gonna do that? Hmm? And trust me girl this whole plan with my brother gonna play out just fine" my best friend Bree said. She had a plan to get back at Melo which was for me and since Melo doesn't know her brother, me and Bree's brother take pictures so it looks like I moved on and got a new boo but I'm actually still hurting..I just don't really understand why would he do me like that. "Look Boo lets go to the movies later, you me and my bro ok girl" she said thru the phone "ok girl, pick me up ok"
"Ok girlie bye".


I changed into sum regular black ripped jeans, a black hoodie, and my Air Forces then I just straighten my hair. I also did my eyebrows and my natural look cuz I ain't about to go like a bum. I got a text from Bree that she was outside with her Brother so I said by to my parents and headed out. "Heyy Bitchh" Bree yelled making me laugh "Heyy Hoe and hey Jackson" I lowered my voice when I said hey to him, he giggle "hey y/n". Jackson was driving and me and Bree were in the back talking and playing around like little kids. We finally got there and hopped off the car and headed inside the theater "ight well Brb I gotta use the restroom" Bree said and left me and Jackson alone. It was kinda awkward at first but he broke the silence "So how you handling everything?" He asked "well good I mean, I thought I wasn't gonna get over him" I admitted "That's good.. he didn't deserve you. Don't cry over a jerk who ain't gonna appreciate you" he stepped closer to me, And a bitch was nervous. I coughed and backed up a little "thank you Jackson I appreciate it" I smiled softly, we smiled at each other, I looked around and saw Gelo and His girlfriend in line for snacks "what happened?" Jackson asked "nothing" I shook my head and smiled at him . We were talking until I turned my head in confusion.
"hey y/n" I heard.....It was Melo my eyes widened a bit "um..hi Melo"
"c-can we talk?" He scratched behind his head ignoring that Jackson was there. "Um..Imma be right back ok" I told Jackson and he nodded. Me and Melo walked towards a hall where there was less people, it was awkward as hell until he broke the silence "So you moved on fast" he rolled his eyes and I scoffed "you moved on during our relationship" I was gonna walk away to leave him but he held me back "look look I'm sorry ok...I messed up bad. I-I miss you...a lot a-and seeing you with him hurts me y/n I can't stand you being with someone else" He said looking down at me and I looked down at my feet. I stood quiet not knowing what to say "say something mamas...anything" he whispered almost like he was on the edge to cry, he lift my chin up so I can meet his gaze "I think...imma need time..Your right..your toxic for me I haven't moved on from you I love you and it hurts me because you didn't fight for me you let me walk out your life" I felt my eyes water. "I'm sorry" he said and was also about to burst into tears "I gotta go" I mumble and walked to Jackson and Bree, I left him standing there.

Your Welcome.

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