Couple Quiz 💕🎲

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"Hey guys, for today's YouTube today imma be asking my boyfriend Melo questions about myself and see what he knows about me" I raised my eyebrow at him making him laugh. "Man come on I know you like the back of my hand" Melo joked "how many questions?" Melo asked not sitting still in the chair "just a few questions das all" I smiled "ight if I get all right, you gotta buy me the PS5" he placed his hands behind his head "Alr than but all have to be right!" I covered my flash cards "first question... How many tattoos do I have? Melo chuckled "I seen every piece of that beautiful body head to toe and I seen you got 3 you got a Chinese dragon tattoo which is sexy, that little one behind yo ear which is a butterfly, and the year date in Roman numbers in yo collar bone" he smiled "that one was too easy" I chuckled "What are my favorite type of shoes?" I asked him he leaned forward to me "ma I always be treating you with sum so they would be Jordans, Nikes , and them Rhinestone Sneakers" he clapped hyping him self up "ok how many pairs of shoes I got?" I smiled at his goofy self "girl you got a whole ass shoe closet and you me to guess?!" Melo half way yelled making me chuckle and roll my eyes "I mean you should know it" "um...about like 200 pairs?" He said unsure "202 but I will give you that one" I change flash card "ooo this one bout to be good..when was our first kiss?" I covered my smiled with the flash card and Melo smiled light at me "our first kiss was in my basketball game, when I had invited you and we went on our second date after that" "dam I thought you forgot" I laughed "Never!! that memory always gonna be in my heart" he patted his chest and chuckled. "Aww me too baby" I chuckled and leaned to kiss him real quick "what's my dog name?" "You love that dog more than me" he rolled his eyes making me laugh "but it's name?" I raised my eyebrow "Icy cuz it got blue eyes and it's white" I clapped "congratulations mate you finished the quiz" I got up the chair "Where my PS5 at woman" Melo jumped "chill imma get you it, anyways bye guys thanks for watching" I winked at the camera and was about to end when Melo snatched it and put his big face in it "Aye Yo comment! If we should start them prank wars y'all ! And we out" he ended it.

Ok ok I'm getting sick of seeing things like this😭

Ok ok I'm getting sick of seeing things like this😭

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