Best Friends💕

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A requested one ⚠️😌

Me and lamelo Have been best friends for
about two years now. We lowkey always flirted with each and i know that we both know we have a thing for each other lowkey but we always kept it as friends. It has been a week since I last talked to him, cuz he recently told me he was talking to this girl who I don't fuck with... her name is Ashley and we had beef with each other but Lamelo some what had an interest in her and he knows I don't fuck with her so I'm ignoring his ass and he's been blowing up my phone. Rn I'm in my living watching "To all the Boys I loved Before part2" I'm in some shorts and noodle shirt without bra cuz like I'm alone at my own house so why not. I was in the middle of the movie when I hear and big ass knock that caused to jump up. "Y/N ! You Better Open up I ain't Leaving Until We Talk!" I hear, I roll my eyes knowing it's melo I get up from the couch and walk towards the door and open it with my arms crossed. Melo walks into my house like nothing "What the fuck? Why haven't you been Answering me?" Melo says yelling a bit "Don't Act dumb Melo, your Fucking with a bitch who I don't like" I said yelling back a bit. "y/n stop with the bull shit" melo says yelling at me and stepping closer to me "wanna know why? It's Because You know I like you! And I thought you liked me back, but than you told me your talking to Ashley and I didn't wanna hear from you anymore! Because I wasn't gonna watch the boy I liked be with some one else!".
I yelled back clearly mad and hurt at the same time. "I LIKE YOU? Y/N I fucken Love you that's why I'm here because I didn't wanna us to end, I was only talking with Ashley cuz I wanted to make you feel jealous not hurt you" he says calming down in the end. I wasn't even making eye contact with him at this moment anymore I was just looking at my feet. Melo steps closer to me and grabbed my face pressing his lips onto mine. The kiss was passionate yet lustful, the kiss turned into a heated make out "Jump baby" melo said than reconnected our lips, I jumped and he grabbed me by my ass and took us to the couch. He placed me on the couch and disconnected our lips but soon connected his lips to my neck "melo" I softly moaned "I'm sorry, baby girl let me please you" he said making eye contact with me. I nodded than he kissed me and started to pull down my shorts, I bit my bottom lip as I watch him kiss my inner thighs "stop teasing please.." I lightly moaned causing him to chuckle he pulled down my underwear and kissed my folds. "Fuccck melo" I said shutting my eyes "call me daddy baby girl" he winked.. fuck I thought to myself and kept my eyes closed he than started to lick my clit and started to do all types of alphabets and numbers "Daddy..keep going please"
I moaned grabbed onto his curls. He moaned into my clit "fuckk" i said, after a good time I felt a knot in my stomach "imma cum" I said with my breathing increasing "cum for daddy baby" melo said still eating me out more roughly "ughhh fuck daddy" I said letting myself go, he licked up my cum and winked me "so sweet baby" causing me to smile. I put on my underwear and shorts "listen Ma I'm sorry..I didn't wanna hurt you. Imma stop talking with Ashley so don't worry" melo said kissing my cheek "thanks melo, I feel a whole lot better" I said smiling tiredly. After what happened we Cuddle and watched movies.

Hopefully y'all liked this one 🤍

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