I told You🤍

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"I don't care what you or Christine planned, tonight you not leaving" melo said as he stuffed a spoon of cereal into his mouth. I rolled my eyes and scoffed "it's a girls night out and I am going so I better start getting ready" I said walking up stairs "no your not" he simply replied and continued to finish his cereal.

*time passed

Since it was just me and Christine I decided to go with this outfit with some black heels, and go light with my makeup which was mainly my eyelashes, eyeliner, filled brows and dark lips

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Since it was just me and Christine I decided to go with this outfit with some black heels, and go light with my makeup which was mainly my eyelashes, eyeliner, filled brows and dark lips. It was 6:55pm and I had gotten a text from my friend Christine that she was gonna be coming in 20 minutes or so, so I headed downstairs. As I walked downstairs I didn't see melo in the living room but the tv was on. I was distracted by the tv when melo came out of nowhere and smacked my ass hard "Ow! Melo what the hell that hurts" I said mad rubbing my butt "sorry baby but you look hella sexy" he laughed and grabbed my waist "whatever" I said clearly still pissed "come on mamas, you gonna be stuck here with me either way and I don't want you to be mad with me" he said bringing my body closer to him making my head hit his chest since he was way taller than me " what do you mean? Christine is gonna pick me up". "Hmm" he responded and pushed me onto the couch landing between my legs, he started to kiss my neck and placed his hand on my thigh going higher lifting up my skirt. "Melo" I softly moaned "yea baby?" He asked "Christine is here" I said pushing him off of me and getting up "thought you can change my mind" I giggled "come on mamas I can do you better if you stay" he pouted "baby I won't be late I promise"
"Nah" he said and went out the door and closed it "what the fuck" I said opening the door to see melo telling something to Christine in the car and she turned to me and waved and I waved, after a minute or so he got off the car Christine waved at me and mouthed something to me and waved than drove off. "I told yo ass you was gonna stay" he said closing the door and grabbing my face and kissing My lips but I broke it off "what did you tell her? I wanted to go out" I whined in the end "jus said you weren't feeling good and I was gonna take care of you and trust you gonna have a better time with me" he winked and before I could have said something back he grabbed me throwing me onto his shoulder and walking upstairs to our room.

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